15. The 110 Year Old Father

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The only person we told about the pregnancy was Sam and he had a field day with it.  He teased James mercilessly about being the world's oldest father.  James took it for about a week and then started assigning Sam harder and harder training regimens until Nick Fury called them both into his office and told them to knock it off.  They both sulked about it until Steve broke his arm after being knocked over by a runaway car. 

James and Steve had a father / son stay at the new facility.  They went out fishing at a popular spot near the town.  While James was putting things back into the vehicle he heard a yell.  Someone had forgot to set their parking brake and the vehicle began rolling.  It was headed for Steve who didn't see it coming until it was too late.  It knocked him over trapping him under the car.  James had been testing a long distance comms and called it in using that.  By the time he lifted the vehicle off of Steve and a bystander had pulled him out Sam had landed.   Steve was unconscious and it was obvious his arm was broken.  James was overcome with emotion at the sight of it.

"Buck, let me take him," said Sam, according to bystanders. "I can get him to the medical centre in two minutes.  I won't let him fall."

James agreed and Sam carefully gathered his godson into his arms.  With a nod at James he took off and flew straight to the medical centre.  When James arrived 15 minutes later Sam was beside Steve's bed with me and little Sam, having arranged an emergency portal as soon as he landed.   His arm was splinted but not yet casted.  He was still unconscious and they were going to run a CT scan.  As they wheeled him away James sat with his head in his hands.  Sam sat next to him.

"Thank you for bringing him here," said James.  "I'm sorry."

"No man, I'm the one who should be sorry," replied Sam. "Here you are expecting your third and I'm not even close to starting a family.  I have no right to be jealous but I was."

They hugged it out and the feud was over for good.  Steve woke up with no brain damage or other issue.  His arm was in a cast for ten days, healed quickly and he was back to training two weeks later.

At the end of January, one month into my pregnancy, my morning sickness began and lasted for 7 long weeks.  With both boys I had moments, although Sam's pregnancy did have the one day where I couldn't stop vomiting and had to go to emergency.  We had first met our obstetrician Matthew Hunt at the ER that day who explained how morning sickness was caused.   When I had breakfast and threw it all up half an hour later I took some of the leftover medication that Dr. Hunt prescribed for Sam's pregnancy.  An hour later, I threw up again so I took more.  When I threw up again I phoned Dr. Hunt and went straight in to see him.  Blood work confirmed the HCG hormone level was extremely high.  Over the next two weeks we experimented with every treatment known.  My days began with crackers, a sip or two of ginger ale, a bit of banana and if I kept that down I could have a slice of plain toast.  Even the smell of foods triggered me so James took over most of the food preparation. 

The worst of it was how it interfered with our sex life.   My gag reflex was sensitive so oral was out for me.  I was so sore from all the vomiting that sex became a chore to get done quickly before the next bout of nausea began.  James complained a bit but when I sarcastically suggested a bucket beside the bed so I could just lean over and barf while he was doing me he laid off.  Just as suddenly as it began it stopped about a week after James' birthday.  Without thinking I got up to go to the bathroom and realized I wasn't feeling sick.  I smelled all the scented products in our bathroom with no reaction.  Taking advantage of it I stripped down and got back into bed.   Gently I began palming James groin area.  He responded and began caressing me in return.  When he felt skin instead of clothing he shed his clothes pretty quickly and we had the best morning sex in weeks.

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