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Hi, welcome to my newest story. I'm so glad you decided to read this. I worked very hard on writing this for you so enjoy! (Also sorry the prologue is super short, but the other chapters will be longer)


A little less than 200,000 pass through everyday. Only around 20 make out in a day. Those 20 lucky souls have a purpose, something- or somebody- waiting back for them. They are on the verge of greatness, they have a set impact on the world. The superior will be the selector of that. Some know that they are ready, some accept their fate, some beg and plead, but the superior shall decide what is in store for you.

A teenage boy lived, he was quite a smart fellow. He would make an impact, not that large, but still an impact. He went by his given name as the majority of people, Vinne. He excelled in everything, the image of the typical high school boy. A little of a player, good at sports, intelligent, dreamy, and everything else. He had a blue eyed blonde girlfriend, she was a cheerleader, how conveniently cliché. On top of that he was popular. What more could a teenager want? He was the epitome of "high school hottie". Apparently you would not know unless you were him. 

Thank you for reading!

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