Chapter 1- Mistake?

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TW// Blood, Murder, Stalker

Remington stares at his hands, frustrated by the sticky blood. "You had to make this hard didn't you?" He frowns at the dead man at his feet.

He hadn't planned for it to go like this, well to be fair, he didn't plan at all. Kidnapping the man in grey was a "spur of the moment decision" as Sebastian would say. Emerson would probably call him reckless.

He wasn't willing to risk being caught though, he decided if Sebastian wouldn't take care of the man, then he would. Remington had never done a kill alone though, which created an issue. He was used to at least two other pairs of hands to help him, and he didn't even have one.

"Now what the heck am I supposed to do with it? Sebastian normally plans these things. Perhaps I could just bury him." Remington mumbles to himself as he rinses his hands with a water bottle.

It takes him almost 5 hours to dig the hole, it's past midnight when he's done. His phone had long since blown up, Emerson and Sebastian questioning why he was home so late. He had told them he was just going to the park.

Technically, it wasn't a lie. He did go to a park, one 100 miles away, in the middle of nowhere. He figured it would make life easier, kill the man and bury him in the woods. Nobody would look for him this far away.

Hell, he wasn't even sure anyone would look for the man at all.

He hums to himself as he dump's the blonde-haired man into the whole, adding some dirt before a dead bird he had found. That way, even if someone did bring a dog to search, they'd assume it had wrongly alerted.

It's well past 4:00 am when he's back in the car, pulling out quickly. He doesn't bother to cover his tire tracks; it's going to rain soon and that will do the work for him. He doesn't stop until he gets home, trying to get inside as quiet as possible. He doesn't want to wake his brothers.

"Where the hell were you Remington? Huh? You've been missing for almost 24 hours!" Sebastian snaps from the couch. "I was getting worried. Is that blood? What happened? You didn't almost get caught did you?" Emerson gasps, getting up and inspecting Remington.

The middle brother sighs, trying to yank his hands from his younger brother. "I'm fine. Just taking care of business." Remington frowns.

Sebastian picks over everything in his brother's appearance, trying to figure out what in the hell he'd done for the past day.

"You killed that man didn't you? The one in grey?" Emerson questions.

"How did you know?" Remington sighs. "You've been worried as hell about him. Did you finish him off? And did you find out who he was and what he wanted?" Sebastian stares at Remington.

"No. He taunted me, and I got angry. It happened fast and he was dead. No chance of revival. I buried him with a bird on top in the middle of a forest about 2 hours away. He won't be found." Remington beams proudly.

"You go clean up. Emerson and I will take care of the car ok? Did you bring home the weapon?" Sebastian asks urgently.

"Of course, I did. I know better than to leave it there! It's in the glove box." Remington rolls his eyes.

"Alright. We'll probably just clean it and sell it for scrap, it's not like it was good or anything. Probably going to break down in a month anyways." Emerson grins.

This is the first part! Feel free to leave some thoughts, advice, reactions, whatever works :).

Thanks for reading,

Emerson <3

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