The toilet stalls

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September 19th 2018       

Dear diary,
I'm sitting here again in the end stall of my own party just waiting for them to go, they only bring themselves and a bunch of rude comments. People come in not noticing I'm there and talk about me, it's never nice stuff . My body is slowly disappearing as I'm not being noticed, I'm becoming a ghost. They don't even know who's party it is , it's not like my parents can make sure there being nice though , as you know they died in a car accident on my forth birthday. I've come to the conclusion that i hate birthdays, especially mine.
I'll talk to you tomorrow diary

September 20th 2018

As he rubbed his eyes while opening the morning breeze drifted through the window ,gently brushing his face. He slowly pulled himself out of bed and made his way to the kitchen slowly as his eyes were still blurry he opened the fridge and got out orange juice and milk and closed the fridge with his elbow as his hands were full, he placed them on the counter and went to his pantry and pulled out some cereal from the very back.
Best before:
July 31st 2016
It read but he turned it around to the front.As his vision began to fully focus he read the label
Fruity hoops
It read
"Dammit off brand , when did I get this?" He questioned himself as he pored the cereal slowly into the bowl, he closed up the cereal and returned to the pantry where he placed the cereal back as a mosquito flew into him.
"Ahh get away you pesky mosquito." he said as he flapped his arms , trying to shew it away. As he looked up while still flapping his arms to shew it off he noticed a shiny object on the top shelf. He walked over to his bathroom and got his stool from the cupboard he walked back into the kitchen , stool in hand and went into the small pantry . He placed the stool onto the floor and climbed ontop of it,he stretched his arms as far as they would go before huffing and dropping them to his sides. He was about to give up but he glanced at the broom in the corner while he was stepping off the stool. He sprinted over and collected the broom before returning to the pantry and climbing back ontop of the stool . He lifted the broom above his head and nudged the box repetivley until
"Ahhh,gotcha" he yelled as the box had fallen , his reflexes had kicked in and caught the box.
He placed it onto the countertop next to his cereal and milk .
"Oh the milk!" He exclaimed before placing it back into the fridge and carrying the box to the living room. As he wiped away the dust off of the lid of the box he read the smudged text written ontop
For our son ,
If you have found this you're old enough to know the truth.

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