the date

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Liam P.O.V

today i was gonna ask Danielle out cause i still love her and i hope she says yes oh and she told me this morning that she is gonna stay for 3 month that was good plus Isabelle is gonna help me get her to be my girlfriend again

Danielle P.O.V

i was just sitting on the sofa doing nothing then liam came to me and i still loved him so much i still don't know why we broke up but whatever so he came next to me and he just looked and me and said hey um i was um wondering do u wanna go out with me? i was shocked and i didn't know what to say so i just said yes and hugged him and he told me to be ready at eight i'll. i just ran upstairs and saw Isabelle and she was just sitting and daydreaming when i jumped on her bed and said liam asked me out and i settled down and sat down and she just looked at me in shock and said well lets get u ready so we went to my closet and looked for something that i could were and she got a black dress and i was doing my makeup and hair when she said she would be right back

Isabelle P.O.V

i went out of Danielle room and went to liam and just looked at him he saw me and said is the plan ready and i said yep so i went to Danielle and she was just looking down and i looked at her and i said i will be right back and i went downstairs and zayn was there and he looked at me and asked me what did she say and i just said yes she said yes and he said we have a lot of things to da ik that so we drove off to somewhere

liam P.O.V

I got a call feom louis that they were teady and it was time for ten date so k went to go gey her so i kocked on her door and she opened the door and then i saw her she looked so prety or should i say beautiful i was just seppch less and i saod are u ready for the date and she said syes and i put a blindfold on her and i walked her to the car ride
*i will skip yhe car ride cause its gonna be borning a fuck*
I got her out and the boys and isabelle did a very good job and she said are we there yes and i said a little more time when we arrived at the lake there was a little picnic set up and the boys and isabelle hiding i  the trees since they were gonna hold up a sone that says be mine and ýa so i took her blondfold off and sje gasped and sje said its beautiful and yhen we started eating sandwiches amd some chicken and there was coke afer we were doen eating i said i wanted to show her someyhing and then she said qat i pointed at the trees and then the boys came out with the sine that said will u be mine again and she just looked at ,e and said yes ye si will be yours and i was so happy and yhen we went home amd wemt to sleep kind of get it no no ok yhen nevermind.
Thanks for reading
If you have any questions just ask i dont care qat ot is just ask

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