Fire Lily

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Arya is going to die, she knows this, her brother Jon knows this and probably so does Bran.

The flowers in her lungs hurt, twisting between her ribs are difficulting her breath, she though they were for that Baratheon bastard, but no the Fire Lily are for her dear sister, the once naive and dreamer sister, who know is a cold hearted ruler whose thoughts are only known to Sandor and Littlefinger.

The She-Wolf never thought that she would get familiar Hanahaki, and less for the person that called her Horse face when they were little, but it made some kind of sense, she was sure Jon loved her and the countless times they spent walking around or practicing in the courtyard were enough proof of that. She knew that her little brother Bran loved her, the silent hours they spent together and the help on how to be discreet with the sickness was somehow enough proof of that.

But she didn't know her only sister, at least not now, too much trauma and the familiarity ended when they arrived with their father to Kings Landing.

Arya hated every single one of them that made her sister this cold as the lands that they were born, she wished that she could've decapitated Ramsay herself, but, the past is in the past an with the looming threat of a flowery death or a icy cold after life with the whitewalkers, she had to find a cure

Well, she knew the cure, but... It was either drinking a potion that killed all her love or,,, not being emotionally constipated and communicating with Sansa.

So Arya took a deep breath, savoring the coldness of the air and walks to her sister's office.

Three knocks

"Yes?" Said a femenine voice.

"It's me, Arya'' murmurs of the same femenine voice and a deeper male one, then the door opens

In the room the younger woman could see her sister behind an elaborate table, she could remember hours upon hours of both of them hearing their father tell them stories of the old ones (Arya coughs a little and misses the concerned look on her sister's face). The walls are of stone, from which a canal of the springs runs through, giving the room a nice temperature, and the wood flooring seems more used and in a corner she can see some blood... Arya wonders from who it was.

"Take a seat Arya, what do you need?" Sansa asks, gesturing to the chair in front of the table, I sit squirming a bit and then Arya looks at Sandor, standing guard in the door - "Uh, could we talk alone?" - Sansa nods and makes a dismissive hand gesture to the man who nods and walks out without a fuss. - "So?" - She says looking straight into the younger's soul with her cold eyes.

"I- I wanted to talk about, well, what, happened to you" - The assassin says with strange nervousness, small coughs interrupting some of her speech - "Well" - Sansa starts - "I was kept a prisoner in King's Landing, was supposed to marry Joffrey but, got married of to his uncle... they said you were dead..." - Sansa coughs a bit too as she starts telling her story but tried to hide it - "Joffrey was engaged and married to Maegery Tyrell he died poisoned by Olenna"

"I wish I could've killed him" - Arya interrupts with a scowl on her face and her composure break bit by bit with a coughing fit, Sansa looks worried at her but but the younger makes a circular hand motion to continue, with reluctance, Sansa starts again - "Littlefinger helped me escape to our Aunt, and while obviously in a relationship with her he made some creepy comments to me.. sadly he is a great ally for now" - The older sighs, Arya's scowl deepens - "She found out... She tried to hit me and Littlefinger saw her and... and threw her into the moon gate.." -

One more person to my list, think the younger - "Then he sold me off as a married alliance to Ramsay" - Sansa eyes water and arya starts to feel the petals of Fire lilies trying to escape her throat, she knew this part of the story, Sandor and Theo explained it to her when she came back.

While very distracted trying to keep the petals at bay the She-wolf missed her sister standing up to sit at her side, touching her forehead worried - "Arya?" - the younger pushes her sister as she can feel the flower rising up and it would be a shame if the regal dress would be ruined by Blood and flowers. - "Arya? Arya?! Are you alright? what's going on!" - Sansa runs to her sister's side helping her with her hair, watching with much more concern now as she sees the bloody mess of vomit on the floor, near the stains that Arya spotted at her entrance to the room - "Hanahaki... Oh Old gods, is it for that Baratheon boy? Arya you have to tell him, actually, Sando-" - Arya shakes her head as her sister tries to call for her sworn shield, and gently takes a Fire Lily in her hand and shows it to Sansa.

"They where always your favorites" - she says with a rough voice thank to the mess in the floor, she wheezes a breath, this was a mistake, the sickness got progressively worse as she stayed there with her sister.

"Those are my favorites..." - the older one says taking the bloody flower in her hand, quite an Irony since they mean new life and hope - "You have it for me... Oh god sister of mine" - Sansa hugs Arya - "I love you so much and you are so strong, yes I maybe went through something worse but you are so so strong, to be separated from us so young" - she cradles her sister as Arya can feel the flowers slowly wilting away.

"You think that?" - she ask with a small smile - "That's nice..." - Sansa tears fall as she puts her sister face in her lap brushing her hair - "I do, you are so strong, our She-wolf and now that we are together as sisters, we can take on the world, I was so glad when you arrived.. After all the lone wolf dies" - Arya continues in place of her sister - "But the pack survives" - She smiles... This was nice, to know that one was loved, a laugh espaces her and Sansa follows with her own giggles, as if they were children again, Arya sits to hug her sister, happy in her new knowledge...



Then she promptly has to roll to her side to puke the dead flowers. What? you thought they disappeared with magic or something?

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