1. Meet Again

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It was getting dark. He wouldn't knew without the breeze that was touching his long black hair. His legs were getting weaker after that long trip. He regretted going too far from the city. 'At least I'm with this kid, so from now on I will feel less lonely', he thought while smiling. He was thinking about that young girl he met at that town he visited. She seemed to have nobody to care for her. Her clothes and hair were untidy and full of dust.

He couldn't see them, but when they bumped at each other the previous day, he could notice it all. 'I am blind too, so we can live together and help each other...You seem to have come from the cultivation world, so I would be very thankful if you let me follow you, Daozhang' , her words were being repeated on his mind. She is most likely poor, since she tried to steal his money at first. Xiao Xingchen decided to treat her like a big brother. Maybe teach her about cultivation or the history of the most powerful masters.

"Daozhang, how far is Yi City? My legs hurt-", she suddenly let out a scream and stopped walking. She shut her mouth with her palms because of the horror.

"What is it, A-Qing?", Xiao Xingchen got anxious and held her arm. "Are you alright? Did you get hurt?"

"I think I twisted my ankle", she said right away, so he won't notice anything abnormal in the area.

"Don't worry, I will carry you on my back", Xiao Xingchen told her and he lifted her. But before leaving, he stopped. He smelled a huge metallic scent from blood next to them. "A-Qing, can you stand by yourself for a while? I want to check something."

A-Qing made a long face realizing she couldn't stop him from noticing that. "What is it, Daozhang?"

Xiao Xingchen went through the field with high grass and kneeled down, next to an almost dead man, soaked in his own blood. He searched for his hand to check his palm. "Don't worry, A-Qing, he is still alive. Let's take him from this place."

"Are you sure, Daozhang? Do you know who he is?"

"Does it matter?"

A-Qing had a terrible feeling about this situation. She could never bear injured people, because their bad luck spreads around. She only wanted a happy day with Xiao Xingchen.
"A-Qing, quickly! Bring me some towels and water", Xiao Xingchen uttered and put the wounded man on his bed. That bed wasn't that comfortable, but it was the only place he would come up with to help the patient. It was made with pieces of one of the many coffins he found in that village he's staying at, and he added some dried grass and a simple clothing.

Since he now had someone to help, he added one more clothing to the bed and placed him. He started getting the dirty clothes off and gave them to A-Qing. "Put them in a basket and I will clean them later", he gave her instructions and she sighed.

Xiao Xingchen started treating the bigger wounds he found on his chest and legs. He checked his arms and legs, in case he maybe lost one of them, but, fortunately, nothing was removed and he felt at ease. Then, he picked some bandages and started putting them around his wounds. While doing this, he noticed that the man started moving.

The guy had a hard time moving himself. He opened his eyes and got startled. He did a step back quickly after realizing who was treating him.
"Who are you?", he asked concerned.

"Who are you to talk to Daozhang Xiao like that? Don't be disrespectful to blind people like us!", A-Qing shouted at the injured man and Xiao Xingchen told her to wait outside.

Xiao Xinchen tried to calm him down. "Please stop moving, I am not going to harm you. I only want to treat your wounds...You must be in pain. Please calm down", he responded while continuing wrapping him with the bandages.

The guy felt relieved by his answer and started checking him out. 'Xiao Xingchen really can't recognize me...He seems to have gone blinded and can't even listen to my real voice, since it is weak because of the blood I have let out', he thought while smiling.

"Then, I must thank you for your generosity, Daozhang", he said and formed a smirk.

Xiao Xingchen smiled at him. He really gets strength from the times when he gets rewarded with these kind of words by the people he assists.

A-Qing was watching them all along. Once she caught that guy smiling like a freak, she run away from that building and sat under a tree. 'Poor Daozhang, he does everything for others but he seems like he gets mocked about it...What a pathetic guy that patient is. I want to punch him in the face!', she said and kicked a rock with her foot.
After treating his wounds, Xiao Xinchen told him to sleep. The young man told him he would do so and smiled at him. Xiao Xingchen left the room and got out to clean the clothes that were full of blood stains and dust. A-Qing saw him cleaning them and crossed her arms with anger. 'Xiao Xingchen is too kind for some people. He is so innocent.'

While Xiao Xingchen was drying the clothes, the man took a look at him. He seemed skeptical, but then his face got brighter. 'Xue Yang, you got this. Nobody is going to ruin it this time'.

'Xiao Xingchen, I told you we would meet again.'

𝐱𝐮𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐚𝐨 - 𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭Where stories live. Discover now