(11) pussy lol

763 29 47

A Raggedy Bitch

hey draco I have a huge
crush on you lol
(message unsent)

i wanna tell you but
i have no clue how to
(message unsent)

yo you cute ;)
(message unsent)

hey shawty you new here??
(message unsent)

my guy you looking mighty
(message unsent)

this is so stupid
(message unsent)

saw you talking to astoria
you know the girl that also
has a huge ass crush on you
she so pretty man and hella
smart too
(message unsent)

i could never
(message unsent)

im a pussy lol
(message unsent)

What the fuck

You good?

You've been typing for the
past 5 minutes

And you're still awake

It's like 2 am

did you know that this
looks like someone taking
a shit?


Go to sleep Star

why are you still awake?

Prefect duties

glad im not a prefect
that shit sucks

hold on... it's tuesday -

you don't have prefect duties on
tuesday to wednesday

How do you know that?


that's a lie i have like your
whole schedule memorized
like marinette lol
(message unsent)

so why are you awake?

None of your business


past your bedtime?

Yes, yes it is past my


you're grumpy when
it's past 12 am

Thanks for the observation
captain obvious

you were definitely with
(message unsent)

Go to sleep

ok mother


"Why you look like that?"

Hearing Melissa's voice brings Amethyst backs to life, breaking her train of depressing thoughts.

"Like what?"

"Like shit."

"Wow gee thanks." Amethyst rolls her eyes.

"No seriously, what has got you looking so depressed."

Amethyst looks at Melissa with a 'you know why' look and motions her head towards the Slytherin Table.

"Oh... that's why..."

At the Slytherin table you can see Astoria playing with her hair and being flirty with the one and only Draco Malfoy.

She looks quite an idiot if I do say so myself.

"Eh... she looks like a Shrek's left nipple." Melissa shrugs as she starts piling food on her plate.

"We both know that that is not true, she looks like an angel. That's why Draco likes her." Amethyst sighs.

"Who said that?"

"Said what?"

"That Draco likes her."

"No one."

"Exactly, if you haven't heard him say it then don't go moping around and assuming things."

"I don't need to hear him say it to know that he likes her!" Amethyst whines. "Everyone clearly likes her." she continues.

"I don't, and it looks like Theo also doesn't."

They both look at Theo glaring at the blonde headed girl, gripping his fork tightly like he would be stabbing her at any second.

"Ok so both of you don't , everyone else does."

"Blaise looks like he's about to rip her head off."

The pair of besties looks at the Blaise as he discreetly pulls a strand of hair from the blonde's head.

"Hey! Who did that?!" They hear Astoria shriek as she looks at Blaise who's looking around like he's admiring the ceiling.

"Huh? Don't look at me, I didn't do it." He defends himself.

"Yes you did!"

"Girl shut yo raggedy ass bitch looking oompa loompa berries and cream wanna be Shrek impersonator Lord Farquaad Dobby ass up."

"How dare you!"

"No, how dare you dare me, go do your little lad dance before I smack yo head with Lil Nas X's pole."

Astoria scoffs and leaves.

"AMEN!" Melissa laughs.


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