Two souls, one body

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MrCheese's P.O.V.

"MrCheese? What are you doing here?" 

I looked around. Why was I not in game anymore? And who was that voice? Was it MrEgg? Where did it come from? "I'm right here, MrCheese. We're... kind of in the same body..." I gasped. He could hear my thoughts? I then got angry. "Why the hell?" I shouted. "Is it because I died?" "Probably." I sighed. MrEgg did too. "We need to go to Engineer, because he's the only one who knows about us switching bodies. Also I don't wanna be stuck with you."  "Yeah me neither." "Then let's go." MrEgg wanted to move, but I quickly took control. "Hell no that you're gonna move in MY body." I said, before standing up to join the game.

MrEgg's P.O.V.

When we were in game and the game started (with normally doing tasks this time), MrCheese walked us to Engineer's room. He has a lab in his room, made by him. It's very cool. He knocked on the door. Engineer didn't open. "Well crap, how do we get in now?" MrCheese asked. "Dunno." I replied, shrugging. Then Captain walked by. "Hey MrCheese, what's the problem?" He asked. "Well we-" "I need to go inside, because I need to speak to Engineer." MrCheese interrupted me. "I was talking!" I shouted to him. "But it's MY body!" "Yeah, and? We're stuck in the same body now so deal with it." "What's going on?" Captain asked. "Nothing!" I shouted. "Well, then why are you talking to yourself?" Captain asked. Crap, he could hear us."Everything's fine. My name MrCheese." "O...kay... then why is your voice changing so much? It's going to a higher pitch the whole time." "Uhhh...""Puberty?" "Oh, ok." Captain said. "Pretty late I must say, since you're an adult, but hey, Player is also an adult and still has a pretty high pitched, and cute, voice, so I am not saying anything. I will now open the door for you." He grabbed his spare keycard and opened the door. Since Captain is the captain (obviously) he can open your room whenever he wants. He doesn't do that often, because he cares about our privacy, but he will if it's really necessary. 

MrCheese walked us in. We then saw how big the room was. Probably because Engineer is the scientist of our team so he has to do most research and such. We then saw Engineer, making out with Gnome. "Barf!"  MrCheese said softly, trying not to disturb them, and knowing people could hear us. "Says the one who was sad for a whole month because he couldn't make out with TG anymore." "Shuddup I'm over him! You're still a simp!" "I'm also over Gentleman, trust me! Now quiet down, or they'll hear us." At that moment, Engineer and Gnome said goodbye and Gnome exited the room. MrCheese then walked us to Engineer. 

"Hey MrEgg." Engineer said. "We have a problem!" I spoke. "I got killed in an Among Us round and now this idiot and I are stuck in one body!" MrCheese added. 

Engineer's P.O.V.

"DON'T CALL ME AN IDIOT YOU LITTLE-" MrCheese said in a higher pitch. This was probably MrEgg talking. MrCheese lifted his arm and slapped his other arm. "OW!" I was a little confused. "So you're both stuck in the same body?" I asked. They nodded. "And can you hear each other's thoughts?" They nodded again. Then, suddenly, MrCheese's cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "THE HELL MREGG WHY DID YOU THINK THAT?" "HA! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET!" I watched at MrCheese's face was angry yet laughing at the same time, as the two were bickering. 

I tried to think. "Where's MrEgg's body?" I asked. "MrEgg and MrCheese stopped arguing. "I don't know." "Well... I don't think it would respawn because there's no soul in it." "Does that mean we're stuck forever? You can't be serious!" "Yes I can." "Guys, stop bickering, I think I might know a solution, but I need to think it through and run a few tests on you and ask some more questions." I said. MrCheese/MrEgg nodded. 

No P.O.V.

"Ok," Engineer spoke. "First thing I'm gonna testis if you both feel the same when you touch something." He touched their shoulder. "Did you feel that?" MrCheese/MrEgg nodded. "We both felt the same." "Yeah, since we're both still stuck in this small ass body." "DO NOT INSULT MY CUTE SMALLNESS YOU LITTLE- OW!" "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FROM BEING SUCH A DAMN CHILD!" Engineer listened and sighed as the two yelled at each other. He waited until they'd stop, sighing to himself. 

MrCheese/MrEgg eventually put their hand on their mouth. A muffled "Enough!" was heard from behind the hand. "Ok, now that you're both silent, I want to ask you if you can think to yourselves." MrCheese/MrEgg removed their hand. "Wait, let's test it." They were silent for a few seconds. "Yep." They then said. "Ok, then bicker to yourselves in your head, so I can think." Engineer said, sitting down. MrCheese/MrEgg nodded and continued bickering in their head, letting Engineer think in peace. "Guys, I think I'm gonna give you guys a spare room next to my lab so I can get you immediately if I have the solution." Engineer then said. MrCheese/MrEgg perked up. "Ok." 

Engineer led them to a door. He opened it and revealed the lab. MrCheese/MrEgg couldn't help but stare in awe. Engineer opened a spare room with a bed, a desk and a globe on the desk. "Here you guys can stay until I've thought of a solution." He said. MrCheese/MrEgg nodded and went into the room.

Phew that was a long chapter! Welp hope y'all enjoyed!

Switched bodies | a CheesEgg storyWhere stories live. Discover now