Sleeping problems

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MrCheese's P.O.V.

It was 9:30 pm. I was in my (or actually MrEgg's) room. Dinner went pretty well. No one suspected anything. Well, Captain noticed me and MrEgg sitting next to each other yet not killing each other. Luckily he just thought it was a good thing and said he was happy we finally didn't argue anymore. 

I was laying on the bed, cuddling the Leafy plush because I still loved cuddling plushies. I started wondering how MrEgg was doing. Was he asleep yet? I didn't think so. You see, I usually sleep late because my mind and body are still full of energy. I stay up until 1 am or something. It doesn't affect me that much because, as I've already said, my body and mind are full of energy. I'm a chill person the whole day but when it is night, I become le night animal.

But now that I was in MrEgg's body, I felt tired. I felt myself getting sleepier and sleepier by the second. So that's how it feels to sleep early! I thought before falling asleep. 

I suddenly woke up. I opened my eyes and tried to move to see what time it was. The thing was: I couldn't! I couldn't move! The only thing I could move were my eyes. I looked around the room, feeling slightly panicked. I then saw a shadow, standing at the door. It stared at me, its white-glowing eyes piercing through my soul. It started approaching me. I tried to move but no avail. I squeezed my eyes shut. I then suddenly could move again. I sat up, looking around again. No shadow. Man, that was terrifying! Does MrEgg always have this? No wonder he's tired! I panted and looked at the digital alarm clock (we all have one of these). 1:35 am. I then heard a knock on the door.

MrEgg's P.O.V.

It was like 1:30 am and I still wasn't asleep. God, how could this body go from hella chill and lazy to le night animal in a few hours? Welp, at least I hadn't had sleep paralysis yet. Wait a sec, sleep paralysis, MrCheese probably has that now! It mostly happens to me at this time, but now that I had MrCheese's body, I wasn't even able to go to sleep. Did he always have this? If yes, then how is he still alive? I continued thinking for a few minutes. I then decided I should maybe check up on him. 

I got up from the bed and exited the room. I went to my own room (which was now his room) and knocked on the door. I waited a few moments. Then MrCheese opened the door. It was still a bit shocking to see him in my body and taller than me, but I decided not to focus on that. "Hey MrEgg." I said, just in case people were awake and could hear us. "Hey MrCheese, what are you doing here?" MrCheese said, knowing why I called him by my own name. "I came here to... check up on you. I always get sleep paralysis around this time and I was wondering if you're ok." I explained. "Oh so you haven't slept yet?" MrCheese asked. I nodded. "How are you still alive?" MrCheese shrugged. "I'm used to it." I nodded again. "I see. Can I come in so we can talk?" MrCheese nodded and we got in. We sat down on my bed. MrCheese grabbed my Leafy plush and cuddled it. I couldn't help but smile at how he treated my plushie. He treated it like a Cheddar plush. 

"So, about the sleep paralysis..." I started. "Oh my god, MrEgg, it was TERRIFYING! There was this shadow with white eyes and it approached me and I shut my eyes hard and I then could move again but it was so scary and I was so afraid!" MrCheese ranted. I nodded. "Well I have that almost every night, and it still scares me every time." I said. MrCheese sniffled. "Ok it felt weird to ask since we're frenemies, but... c-can I get a hug?" He asked. It felt weird hearing him ask this, in my voice, but I knew how he felt so I decided to comfort him and hug him. MrCheese cried in my shoulder. It felt nice comforting someone who felt the same as me, even though I knew no one would comfort me like that. I thought of the "I'm guiding you to a treasure I cannot possess" meme and chuckled internally. 

A few moments later MrCheese stopped crying. "Thank you, MrEgg." He said. "You're welcome, but now I'm gonna sleep since my, or actually your body, is finally getting tired. Night." MrCheese nodded. "Night." He said. I exited the room and went back to MrCheese's room, which was now mine since, yeah, we switched bodies and... you know the story. 

In the room I got back in bed and could finally fall asleep. Luckily, tomorrow would be a free day, so MrCheese and I could continue talking about things we have so we can learn to cope with each other's problems. I also wanted to ask him if he wanted to be friends again, since I kinda stopped hating him when I saw him suffer so bad from my sleep paralysis demon. I felt myself getting sleepier and sleepier until I finally fell asleep, in the fort of plushies and pillows.

Switched bodies | a CheesEgg storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt