Chapter Sixty-Six - Things Change

Start from the beginning

     "AJ's Music Store. It was on this block, too."

    "I remember." Starfire floats in the air towards the bricks. "It was over there, yes?"

    Behind the redhead, two red dots suddenly appear in the assortment of bricks. A gust of wind acts under my influence to carry Starfire to safety before she can be harmed, and the creature—who was seemingly camouflaged amongst the bricks—reveals itself.

    "I definitely don't remember that being there!" Cyborg yelps.

    "Titans! Go!"

    The six of us charge as the creature continues attacking the redhead. Robin runs forward and launches himself for a flying kick, but it catches his foot and throws him towards Raven, sending them both back. Beast Boy turns into a dinosaur and tramples the white monster; they engage in some kind of wrestle before the green teen's thrown away too.

     I hover in the air, and several fiery rocks surround me. As I push my hands forward, they fly towards the creature at intense speeds, but only some of them stick. It turns towards me and sticks its hand out, but I avoid it by flying back. It takes Starfire being thrown into me for us both to lose our balance and tumble backward.

    Cyborg runs forward in a fit of anger at the sight of the creature defeating all of his friends. He lands three or four punches, but it picks up a girder and whacks the teen with it. As it does so, it turns grey and demonstrates its camouflaging abilities.

    Beast Boy flies in as a falcon, before turning into an elephant to knock it over. The white monster tumbles and lands in wet concrete, before turning grey once more and shooting the setting liquid at the green elephant. Beast Boy struggles as the concrete dries but I pull it off him as Raven takes care of the creature.

    I help Beast Boy up as we surround the creature in the rain, induced by the fire hydrant. I hold my hand out to stop it but it's too late; the white monster's already in the sewers. Robin jumps in, then Starfire and Raven. Cyborg blocks the entrance as he mutters, "Why does it always have to be the sewer?" before jumping in himself.

    I stare down at the opening, holding Beast Boy by the arm. He wriggles out of my grip softly and begins to walk off. This piques my attention, and I turn to him expectantly—with his back turned, the Titan has no way of knowing this.

    "Uh, Gar?"

    I look both ways before using Beast Boy's real name, and he freezes in place before turning around. As he stares at me, I realise how unfair it was to call him by that name—he must think something's gone horribly wrong. To make up for it, I hide my wince with a silent apology and point towards the sewer.

    "It went this way."

    "I know." Beast Boy's reply is breathless. Absent. Almost as if he's waiting for something or someone. "I have to go. I'll explain later."

    Without elaborating further, the green teen turns into a falcon and cuts through the air. My eyes flicker white for a fraction of a second before I place my trust in the Titan—both to know what he's doing is the right thing and to tell me later. In the meantime, I jump into the sewer and hastily catch up to the others.


    Cyborg shivers loudly, teeth clattering, as the five of us enter the main room after the sewer escapade. Having already dried myself, I allow my eyes to turn blue and pull the sewer water from the others into the air, before removing it in the kitchen sink.

    "Next time a creature goes down the sewer, I say we just let it go."

    I glance up at the mechanic teen. "I second that."

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