"It's fun to sneak around, yeah?" He continued kissing down to my shoulders.

"Harry" I breathed

"Let's go" he smirked, pulling me up from the chair


I laid, looking at the ceiling. I hated myself. I liked Harry...but I couldn't love him. We've had sex, countless of times..it didn't feel right. It only happened when he wanted it; usually if he was drunk, stressed, or had a bad day. Don't get me wrong, he was a sweet guy and was everything I could ask for but I didn't deserve this...I know I don't.

"You're amazing" he stood from his bed and began putting on his trousers.

I smiled weakly.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"I'm meeting with Ron and Hermione for lunch" he threw on a shirt as well.

"What about me?" I scoffed

"Get dressed and head out I guess" he laughed

"I'll see you soon" he kissed me and left

I crawled from the bed and slipped on my clothes. I walked to my dorm and showered.

I sat down in the shower for an hour and a half. I felt dirty. But this type of dirt doesn't wash away. I wondered what my friends were doing now. Pansy and Blaise we're probably out, Draco was on a date, Emerson was with Cedric, and River and Milo had something going on I'm sure.

I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around me, and sat down on my bed.

After getting dressed, I walked down stairs to the common room...it was quiet. It usually was on a holiday like today. I grabbed a book from the shelf and started to read.

"You really don't have many friends besides us do you?" Draco teased, walking into the common room.

"I just wanted to be alone..take a hint" I spat

"Oh..Not so friendly?" He scoffed

"Don't you have a date?" I finally looked to him.

"I do...she's in my room" he winked

"Gross" I chuckled, glancing back to my book.

"And whoever you're with now isn't?" He retorted

"I'm not with anyone" I laughed

"Oh I forgot you're with everyone"

"Sleeping with one person isn't everyone" I scoffed

His demeanor changed completely

"You're sleeping with someone?" He finally spoke

"That's not what I meant" I chuckled

"That's what you said" his tongue rolled against the inside of his cheek

"You're the one sleeping with every girl at Hogwarts" I added


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