"You all ready?" Phil asks gesturing for everyone to exit the quinjet

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"You all ready?" Phil asks gesturing for everyone to exit the quinjet. The team nodded as they walked off the ramp as Melinda made her way towards them. Billy Koenig waits for them at the end of the ramp, "Agent Coulson, May, Fitzsimmons, and Johnson! Welcome back! Newbies! You guys are in for a real treat! This way!" The team was shocked at the energetic energy of this man. Billy began leading everyone to the base and everyone walked down the ramp to follow him, and they get to the door where there's an I.D scanner. The team watched as Billy took his lanyard and put it to the machine to scan it. The team knew what the lanyards were for, but never exactly knew what they were used for. It flashed green and the doors opened making the original agents walk in, as the others looked in shock. Billy gestured them inside, which they did, as the door closed, "Welcome to the base, or as we like to call it, the playground." Daisy, Jemma, and Leopold all walked away to their own places and Spencer went to follow the twins only for Billy to bring him back. Derek, JJ, and Emily smiled at him as Aaron and David smirked. It then just left Melinda and Phil of the SHIELD team in the room. "Now before we let you pass and explore; I need all of you to take a survey that lets me know that we did not let in any threats. Let's hope not. After, Agent May will do a weapons test and Agent Simmons will do a fitness test." Billy explains as Melinda stood to the side with an emotionless expression. Some looked at her, and some looked determined to do it. "You all ready?" Aaron asks his team and they all nodded.

Two Teams in One

After all of them finished their surveys and got their lanyards, they all walked to Melinda as she was looking at a tablet, showing her all their files. She looked up and saw the lanyards and sighed in relief internally, knowing they passed. Phil walked over and stood beside her, to look at the results as well, before looking at the team, "We can wait until a later time to do the tests. I want all of you to explore and see what you have to work with here. If you need anything, I'm sure May, Daisy, and Fitzsimmons will help you." Everyone smiled or nodded, and Phil looked to Aaron, "Follow me." Aaron followed him away from his team to Phil's office and sat down. "You have a great team. They've seemed to get along well." Phil tells him with a smile. Aaron smiled lightly, "We all have become a family. We all share emotions together." Phil gestured to the base, "Same with us. We all come from different places, but we came together like a family." Aaron smiled before Phil got straight to business, "Now, I want to talk to you about all of this. You're the director of your team, and I'm the director of mine. So, how is that going to work?" Aaron looked at him with a shrug, "You have more leadership experience than I do. I don't mind having you lead both teams." Phil began to explain how it will work out, "That's the thing. It's not two teams anymore. It's one big team. So, I was thinking I'll be the director and you'll be co-director. We both can lead the team when need be." Aaron agreed with him, "I'd like that very much." Phil nodded before worrying about any family members everyone needs, "Good. Before we leave, is there any family outside of work that I should take into consideration?" Aaron began to list everyone off, "You remember Jack, JJ has a son and a husband." Phil smiled at hearing the little boys name, "How is he?" He was referring to Jack and Aaron smiled and shrugged, "The best he can be." Phil nodded in understanding, "I'm going to have both you and May bring the boys and the husband in. To keep them safe here. We have teachers here to teach them." Aaron nodded at the directions he was given, "That would be great." There was a knock on the door and Phil looked up, as Aaron turns his head. Melinda walked in and closed the door as she stood in front of them with her hands locked together. "Good. I need you to do something." Phil tells her and she just nodded her head at him, curious as to what he needed. "I need you and Aaron to go pick up some people." Phil explains to her. Aaron added on, he didn't want to make her seem used, "If it's no trouble." Melinda looked at him for a few seconds then shook her head, meaning it wasn't a problem. "Should we let the team know?" Melinda asks so she knows what she needs to do before they left. Phil nodded in response, "Yes, I think it will give them some joy." Melinda nodded her head and turned to the door and opened it, only to hear what Phil says to Aaron, "Go." Melinda stood at the door waiting for him to come out and Aaron got up and followed her out of Phil's office, and they make their way towards the team. Aaron looked at her nervously, "I didn't want to make this an issue for you. Is it really ok to do this?" He asked because he did not want to cause any harm to her only for her to quickly answer, "It's fine." Aaron nodded his head a little shocked as he had talked to her, but she never talked back to him. He felt like there was progress between them as they walked to the room where the team was. "We are going to pick up Jack, Henry, and Will. Prentiss, want me to grab Sergio?" Aaron informs the team then turned to Emily as he knew she would want her cat. "Thank you!" JJ tells them and Emily responds with, "Please!" Daisy, who was confused, responded with, "Sergio?" David looked at her to give her an answer, "Her cat." Daisy gasped at the thought of them bringing a cat to the base, "Awe!" Emily nodded as Aaron looked at them all, "Ok, we'll be back!" Melinda led Aaron to the quinjet that they were going to use. They got on and she got to the pilot seat, as he sat next to her in the other seat. Melinda started the quinjet and they began flying.

Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficWhere stories live. Discover now