Chapter One

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The fried scone fits in my hand perfectly. Its' golden flakey crust glissins from the butter. The first bite is always the best. Warm crust fills my mouth, matching with soft steaming innards. So calming, so fulfilling that this little piece of bread can provide that is.

It is mid afternoon as I watch the birds on the powerlines, from my rooftop. Their circular bodies bobble up and down on the lines. The bird's powerlines bounce from the potteries' weight.

Clouds cover parts of the sun, letting the weather be not too hot and not too cold. Which doesn't make me have the urge to squint my eyes which is really nice. My black hoodie, with my skinny dark pants, was a good choice this evening. Though I will be changing here in a few hours, it doesn't hurt to get yourself ready every morning.

It has been quite quiet around here, the last few days. My neighbor's gardens are thriving. Another neighbor, killing the weeds from the cracks in their driveway. Pretty much all my nearby neighbors are older folks. My landlord is even an older lady. So not much happens around here.

My own roof is a bit ragged and chipped and old as well. It has been my favorite place to relax for years now. Little dings were not going to change that. It was a peaceful place. Where I go to find my zen. Life doesn't compliment you as it should sometimes. So it is a good idea to have a safe space to stop and reflect on life.

Honking came from down below. Tip Toeing on the edge of the building, in my converse, to see what the noise was about. Vee waves up at me, standing next to the honking van. Her hair barely moved from the thick layer of hairspray used to style hair pompadour haircut. Yet her short dark purple hair shined from the little sunlight peeking through the clouds. I can barely see Vee's eyes from up here, from all that, heavy black makeup she applies.

I start sliding down the building's ladder hatch. It was something I did all the time so I really didn't get burns or blisters on my hands anymore from the friction. My hands are basically just calluses from me overusing them by now anyway.

My shoes slam against the Earth's soil. Shifting up some of the Earth's natural debrey. I adjust my hoodie from the slide down. I then shove my hands in my pockets wiggling each foot in my shoes. Making sure that, when I had landed, I did not get anything stuck in them.

Vee high fives me, "Ready for our next job bro?" She hands me a yellow padded envelope with my name on it, reading 'Aiden'.

"Always ready to make some cash Vee, you know that." Vee smiles and hpos in the passenger seat of the van. She is the one that always came up with these 'jobs'. Even going as far as writing up a plan for each of our crew members. Going into grave detail for each mission.

Angelo slid open the vans sliding door, inviting me inside. His medium length, brunette hair, shifts in front of his face as he sits in his seat. I take my usual seat next to the sliding door. Angelo starts talking to Mike, who is focused on driving. Going on about some girls they met at the club last night before.

Saying how big some of their asses were. Logan even pitched in from the back seat agreeing with Angelo. "Come on guys, there is a girl in the van." Vee playfully wined.

"Not our fault that you're a girl Vee. And not our fault that we are men. What do you expect from us? It is in our nature." Mike explains, turning the wheel hard to the left.

"Aiden does not degrade women like you three." Vee softly nudges Mike. "Can this rusty old van go any faster? We need to get there before they get filled?"

Mike just ignores Vee and continues driving. I softly giggle. Pulling out the papers from the envelope. Reading over them, I notice that once again I am the main culprit for this 'job' as well. It is just a bit odd, because they know that I am the calmest one out of the group, in the worst situations. So putting me as the top person of these operations all the time, is definitely out of my comfort zone.

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