A security guard tries to intervene but the triplets jump on top of him flattening him on the ground. I curl in on my self scared.

Niall is sitting on a table in the corner laughing while eating a Big Mac Lord knows whos food that is. 

Ben helps me stand up and before for we know it, all of us are being dragged out my a group of police men. 

We're all sitting on the curb of the road while the police try to figure out what happened. Everyone just keeps arguing and yelling over top of each other so they just split us into three groups.

A police man walks up to me with some sort of hand machine and ask me to count to 10. He gives me a disapproving look when he sees I've been drinking underage. He asks me to give him a phone number so he can ring someone to come and pick me up.

Since I'm still heavily under the influence I just say the first number that comes to mind not knowing whos it is. The officer starts to ask me quesitons but before I can answer the alcohol and food I consumed day comes up and I vomit everywhere. 

The officer sighs and walks over to his car. He comes back with a water bottle and a pack of gum. I take the things thankfully. I swish the water around in my mouth and spit it out. I pop three bits of minty gum into my mouth and chew it to get rid of the fowl taste. 

10 minutes later a familiar looking car pulls up in front of us. Mr. Styles jumps out looking very angry. 

Dam he looks hot.

I blush and start giggling quietly. After talking to the police man, Mr. Styles storms over to me and picks me up off the ground by my arm. 

"Hi Mr. Styyyyyyles" I giggle, peaking up at him through my lashes. 

"Zip it." He growls through gritted teeth.

I try to follow him but currently I have no coordination and I trip over my own feet. I put my hands down to catch my self but when they hit the concrete I feel a stinging sensation and look down to see both of my hands all cut.  

I whimper in pain and pout. Mr. Styles sighs and picks me up bridal style and carries me to the car. He helps me put my seat belt on then walks over to his side.


"Don't. Say. A. Word." He says through gritted teeth.

I pout, cross my arms over my chest, and slide further down my seat. 

"Come on Louis! Drinking underage? I mean seriously? That was so immature and childish of you, and then you go and get into a fight?!" He breaths in and out of his nose loudly.

"Your lucky you didn't get seriously hurt or anything. And it's not like it was a couple sips, you got completely pissed drunk!" He continues. 

I can feel tears building up in my eyes. I don't like when people yell. He's scaring me. 

"OK! I get it! I was being stupid, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of that to happen. It was just supposed to me and Zayn going out and then a group of his friends came with him and they were pressuring me to drink." I defend my self.

"You should still have some better self control then that."

"Why are you being so mean so mean!" I cry out.

"I'm not being mean, I'm just disappointed and angry." He says lowly.

"Why do you care! Your my teacher you don't need to be w-" 

The car suddenly stops. I look out the window to see we're in some sort of car park.

"W-why are w-"

Suddenly Mr. Styles' lips are on mine. I open my eyes in shock. His eyes are closed as his lips move against mine. He brings his hand up to my jaw and pushes his lips against my harder. I close my eyes and slowly start to kiss him back. 

Holy shit I'm kissing my teacher. 

This is my first kiss, I have no idea what I'm doing but Mr. Styles doesn't seem to care cause next thing I know my seatbelt is off and I straddling his lap. 

He groans against my mouth and I blush. My tummy feels really weird and there's are funny feeling in my crotch. This is so wrong but it but it feels so good. His hands roam around my body and end up in my hair. I tugs and a low sound leaves my lips. I blush embarrassed. I place my left hand on his shoulder and then hold the collar of his shirt with my right. His tongue brushes across my bottom lip and I stiffen. 

Just as I'm starting to get the hang of it and start enjoying it, Mr. Styles pushes me back roughly. We both look at each other with wide eyes, breathing heavily. He throws me off his lap and land on back on my seat. 

"That shouldn't of happened." He whispers. 

My bottom lip wobbles and tears fill in my eyes. He didn't like my kisses. 

"Is there someone at home?" 

"W-what?" I squeak out.

He sighs. "Is there someone a home to look after you while your in this state?" He clarifies.

I shake my head no. "My brothers out at a party and probably won't be back until tomorrow."

"What about you parents?" He questions.

I look down at my lap and fiddle with my fingers. "N-no they're n-not at home." I mumble, voice cracking at the end.

He gives me a questioning look but lets it go.

"I'm not going to leave you alone while your intoxicated so we're going back to my house for the night." I look at him shocked. Stay at his house? With him? For the night? Oh boy....

(1618 Words)

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Question of the chapter: Whats you favorite food? Mines Ice cream:)

Teacher x Student (Larry Stylinson) *ON GOING*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora