Just before I finished reading the message, the vans door suddenly opened revealing a tired looking Jennie on her over size black hoodie. I glanced up to my own only to figure out where wearing matching ones.

Oh what are the odds.

Jennie's feline eyes found mine and she instantly hopped inside walking straight to . . .

Wait, Is she...

Just on cue, Jennie sit incredibly close to my liking that made me froze on my spot. She leaned her head on my shoulder. I heard her release a sigh of. .  relief maybe? Like she feels comfortable on her position and slowly wrap her arms on mine.

"Just this once, Lisa. I am really tired." I looked down on her face. Her eyes are closed, her hair all over her face. Its like my hand has its own mind that my fingers slowly tangle on the hair covering her face and carefully put it behind her ear.

"I wasn't gonna say anything." I whispered enough for her to hear. I can sense that Jennie smiled through her breathing that tug a smile on my lips too. She relaxes more on my shoulder, shifting so that she was facing my neck. Her breath fanning on my neck that made me shiver dangerously.

"Thank you." Jennie said, almost like a whisper, and minutes later I heard her breathing calm and little snores came out. She must be really tired.

The vans door opened once again and a cheerful Kim Taeyung emerges head looking left and right, obviously looking for someone. When he catches what he is looking for, his wide smile fades when he saw a sleeping Jennie beside me.

Nah uh Kim Taeyung. Not on my watch. I won't let you disturb this princess.

My princess.

So placed my arm on her back, pulling her head closer to me. Jennie snuggled more to me that made me bit my lip to stop my smile from coming out. She wrap her arms on my waist and I place my hand on hers. I felt my phone vibrated again and saw Rosie texted me this time.

Don't hold yourself sis. Don't torture yourself. I want you to be happy. I want my sister to be. I love you.

I smiled before returning back my phone inside my pocket and glancing at Taeyung who's pouting in the front sit.

I soft chuckle escapes my throat before closing my eyes leaning my head on Jennies head.



"Someone is in a good mood." Jisoo eyed me while I am sipping my orange drink. Jisoo and I are sitting near the sea on one of the benches. "Perhaps something good happened during the travel?"

We arrived in Jeju 3 hours ago. The team decided to take a two days off before we start working for the photoshoot and here we are soaking up the wonderful weather in Jeju island.

I settled my glass of juice on the table and looked at my companion who's wearing a white crop top shirt and white ripped short shorts, her glasses just hanging on the tip of her nose eyeing me suspiciously. A smile escaped on my lips as I recall my few 'intimate' if that can be called intimate moment from her. How she held my waist, just like how she held me when we are together. A gesture that she's slightly over protective to me. But from who?

"I demand details." Jisoo continued now looking at the sea.

"Nothing much unnie. I just slept. That's all." I said truthfully.

"And that sleep made you this?" she said gesturing her hands up and down my body. I was wearing a red sleeveless dress with only two thin straps on my shoulder. My back is almost bare and the dress just hang in the middle of my thighs. Jisoo knows me well. I dress good if I am in a good mood.

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