Chapter Sixty - Final Stand, Part One

Start from the beginning

    I hum, closing my eyes and pinching the space between my eyes. "What can you do?"

    Cyborg pauses. "I can tell you where it came from."

    The screen flashes green before honing in on an island off the mainland of America. Santa Rosa. It continues to zoom in, finding a warehouse. The sound spikes as voices are detected and I raise the volume, but no words can be made out, even through the system. I growl and thump my fist on the table, but Cyborg catches it.

    "Hey, hey. Calm down, okay? We'll find him."

    In my anger, my eyes have flared red, and I see this as I look up at Cyborg through his reflection. He catches himself before taking a step back, and I close my eyes to revert them to their own colours. "Yeah," I mumble. "We will."

    Cyborg lets me go, taking a step back. "You know, if you still want my help... I have an idea."

    "You do?"

    "Hell yeah, I do."

    Cyborg proceeds to tell me the plan in full detail, not sparing anything. Once he's done, he leaves, giving me time to think about it, but I don't do that. I run to the computer, opening up the file that Cyborg just shared with me and sending it to myself, before deleting it from every database in the Tower. If I know Robin well enough—and I'm sure I do—the first thing he will do if he realises something's up is to check the databases for any record or history.

    A pop up appears, asking me if I'm sure I want to delete it. My finger hovers over the mouse, more than tempted to click the 'YES' button, and my other hand trills its fingers across the table. As my leg begins to bounce, I harshly press down on the mouse and allow it to disappear, not bearing to look at it as it erases before walking out.


    I find myself in front of Beast Boy's door, hand raised and poised to knock. I sigh, knowing I'm going to go through with the action before my knuckle hits the metal, slowly taking a step back as I wait for the shapeshifter to answer the door.

    "Cyborg, I said I don't want to play anymore!"

    I stifle a laugh, clearing my throat. "Uh, Beast Boy? It's me, Ember—not Cyborg."

    "Oh. Uh, one second!" I hear the clanking of Beast Boy's shoes against metal and the door opens to him pulling his pants on frantically. "Hi."

    "Oh my—" I shout, shielding my eyes with my hand. "Please, let me know when you're decent."

    "Whoops. Hey, at least I had undies on."

    I chuckle from behind my hand. "Yeah, sure. We're moving up in the world. Can I—?" I slowly move my forearm away from my eyes, sighing in relief as Beast Boy waves, completely clothed this time. "Okay. I have a favour to ask, and if you'll do it for me, I'll forget I ever saw that."

    Beast Boy grins. "Deal."

    "You sure? I haven't even—"

    "I don't care, Ember," Beast Boy says. "I'm with you, and there's nothing you can say to change my mind." The shapeshifter shrugs innocently. "Also, I won't hear the end of it if Cyborg or Raven find out."

    "Right." I walk into Beast Boy's room, crinkling my nose in disgust at the smell. I decide to challenge Beast Boy on his words. "I need you to turn into a fly, go through a magic portal to a warehouse across the country, and spy on my evil father for me so I know what he's planning," I say in rapid-fire.

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