"How much Yeo has changed right? I think San passed his vibe check, unlike us." Yunho laughed a little after answering Hongjoong, to which the latter just nodded.

At the mention of San's name, Wooyoung turned his head towards Yunho, with the speed of light. Yunho gave him an eyebrow raised look to which Seonghwa just smirked, slightly elbowing Wooyoung.

You're getting it the wrong way Hwa. Wooyoung thought shaking his head. Their teacher entered and they continued to focus in class.


It was lunch and San's friends were all gathered at their usual lunch table. "So Yeo, you coming?" Mingi asked before taking a spoonful of his lunch into his mouth. Yeosang gave him an eyebrow raised look, "where to?" He asked genuinely confused.

"To camping with Wooyoung's group." Jongho answered instead of Mingi. And Yeosang gave them a pout in return. "I won't" he replied.

"Yeo, let's go it'll be fun." San beamed but in return got a glare from Yeosang. "I've already answered."


The day was finally over and it was time for Wooyoung's detention. He had completed 3 days already, 7 more of these detentions. "I'll be out, don't be an ass." The teacher informed and left the class. Today he wasn't the only one in the detention room.

There were two more students, who sat close to each other and talked and giggled most of time. Wooyoung had confirmed that they were a couple. The girl was so loud when she laughed, Wooyoung has to roll his eyes everytime.

"Will you shut up?" He groaned, annoyed by their behaviour. "Another human being is here as well if you can see." He added.

The guy scoffed, "then you can just close your ears or whatever. This ain't your house " the guy retorted. Wooyoung laughed at the childish comeback. "This ain't your house as well, kid."

"A fuck boy like you wouldn't care what place this is either, right?" The guy smirked knowing he pissed the latter very well. Wooyoung stood and raced towards the boy, pulling him by the collar and ready to punch. The girl screamed, making Wooyoung's left ear go numb and before he can land a punch on the guy's face someone held him from back.

"San?" He spoke confused, looking at the perosn who stopped him. "Are you crazy? You're already in detention." San almost yelled at him, concern on his face.

"But he provoked me!!" Wooyoung yelled. San heaved a heavy sigh. "You have to control your anger then. You'll get in trouble again. Didn't I tell you to stay away from troubles?" San spoke rather calm this time.

"I'm telling you, it wasn't me." Wooyoung complained.

The teacher came in, totally clueless. He looked at San and checked the students for detention. "You are not in the list." He spoke.

"Yes sir. I left my stuff here so I came back to get it." San lied before turning back to Wooyoung and giving him a glare, before saying, "I'm waiting outside for you" , in a whisper and went out after bowing towards the teacher.

Wooyoung just rolled his eyes and sat at his place, doing nothing and simply thinking how hot the angry San was. The way San yelled at him with concern and the way his eyebrows arched in looked so hot on him. He had to bite his lips to stop the thoughts.

He checked the time. 45 minutes more. He thought as he sat there singing BTS songs in his mind.


Exiting the school gate, he noticed San's car and San sitting inside, just busy on his phone. Wooyoung ran a hand through his hair and made his way towards the car. Once San noticed Wooyoung, he sat straight and kept his mobile away.

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