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3rd person pov

"So, how are you trying to not get kicked out of the dance club?" Yunho asked Wooyoung, they were at the dance room and were doing some normal dance routine.  "I'm getting a tutor." Yunho almost stumbled through his steps. "A tutor?" he asked confused and then laughed. Wooyoung just glared at him slightly hitting him.


"A tutor?" Hongjoong laughed at the new information he got. "A baddie like Wooyoung with a tutor?" He continued with his laughing fit, making Wooyoung pissed.

Wooyoung was a very rebellious type and for him to get under control by a tutor is hard. Well he had improved a lot since before. It was the time when his mom had to come to school because he pranked some teachers and when his mom didn't talk to him for a whole week, he decided to lessen his rebellious acts.

"I'll improve my grades and become a dance genius, just see." He huffed taking his plate to the trash and then walking out, bumping at someone in the process. Ready to punch whoever it was, untill his eyes met Yeosang's and so he stopped.

"Watch where you walk." Yeosang mumbled and entered the cafeteria Mingi following him behind. Wooyoung just scoffed not believing in what happened.

"Life's bitching with me."


"So you're telling me, I have to start studying as soon as I enter my house."

"Yes, Wooyoung. You have to. Now c'mon take out your books." San commanded, taking his seat. "Not happening." Wooyoung rebelled. He took out his phone and lied down on the bed scrolling through insta. "Wooyoung, last time." San spoke again but Wooyoung just ignored him and he laughed watching a video. "That's it."

San got up and pulled Wooyoung by his hand, "what the fuck, leave me alone." He protested trying to pull his hand from San's grip, it was a wonder how strong San was inspite of them being the same built up. "Leave me!" He threw a pillow at San, which hit him directly on the face, as he laughed at the scene.

Pushing Wooyoung back on the bed San hovered over him. "I'm presuming you like this." San smirked, but with an innocent smile. Wooyoung was all serious now as he gulped hard. San like this made Wooyoung feel weird. "W-what do you mean?" He blurted.

"You know, me on top you." San leaned closer as Wooyoung's head sinked more deeper in the pillow. "Stop." He squirmed under San. "What do you want from me?"

"If you don't get to that table now, I'll kiss you." San stated, still gripping Wooyoung's hands tight enough to leave marks. Wooyoung looked at him with wide eyes.

"How do you say such gross things?" He made a disgusted face as he questioned San. "Well we've done more gross things you know." San licked his lips as he stated, leaning closer. "Stop, ok fine I'll get to study. Now move."



"Dude, how are you this dumb? This is not even a formula." San shook his head watching Wooyoung creating a totally new formula and solving the question in a wrong way. "Don't call on me, you don't teach me right. Make me remember the correct formula then." Wooyoung huffed a bit embarrassed because San was laughing at him.

"Look here, when you open the bracket the terms change and it would be something like this." San solved the question quickly but Wooyoung was still stuck how the minus sign changed to plus sign. "Got it?" San asked looking at the latter beside him, who just shook his head with a confused look. San sighed and looked at time, it's been 1 and half hour he's teaching, no trying teach Wooyoung but he won't get anything.

"Fine that's it for today, I'll find a way to explain this to you tomorrow ok?" San spoke, hearing of getting free from studies, Wooyoung jumped out of his seat and layed on his bed sighing as if he did something big. "You are so extra." San stated.

"Yep, that would be me."

"Wanna eat something?" San asked getting up from the seat. "Are you going to cook?" Wooyoung asked bringing his gaze to San, who just nodded. "Hm ok I will. Cook for me."


"Wooyoung come down." San called for Wooyoung as he was now done with cooking. The latter skipped down the stairs happily. "Wow this looks good." He complemented and San just smiled at him, making Wooyoung visibly gulp at it. "Try it." He suggested.

Wooyoung took a spoonful and put it in his mouth, immediately spitting it all out. "Why?" San asked eyes wide. "Is this food? San, it tastes like doormat." Wooyoung answered with a disgusted face, forwarding to rinse his mouth.

"What do you mean?" San asked with a frown. "It tastes so bad. Is this your first time cooking?" Wooyoung asked him now throwing the food away. San just nodded slightly at that. "Let me cook."


"Yo, Wooyoung. Did you find a tutor already?" Seonghwa asked taking his place next to Wooyoung's at their usual table in the cafeteria. Wooyoung looked at him and nodded, "so who's it?" Yunho questioned.

"You don't know them, my far relative. Yeah" Wooyoung lied eating his lunch. They all just either hummed or nodded. "Guys, I got some news." Yunho spoke getting all the attention.

"News? About?" Hongjoong asked, taking a sip of his water. "News about San." Listening to that Wooyoung chocked, coughing loudly and hitting his chest. "Careful there. Don't want you to die of lovestroke." Seonghwa laughed at him.

Wooyoung looked at him with squinted eyes, "lovestroke? What do you mean?"

"C'mon Woo, it's so obvious. You've got a crush on Choi San. Isn't it?" Hongjoong stated as if it was a straight fact. "What? Why would you even think that? You know I'm straight." Wooyoung protested throwing fits to which his friends just laughed. If it were someone else, they would have already been beaten into pulp by Wooyoung.

"Clam down we were only kidding. So what's the news Yun?"

"Oh yeah, totally forgot the main conversation lol. So apparantly, San came here from Namhae and is living with his step-family? I don't know how to put it but yeah. Also his step sibling goes to our school." He told them everything he heard from his boyfriend, Mingi.

"Really? But how did you know?" Seonghwa questioned, they were all so serious about the conversation.

"Mingi, heard it from Jongho." Yunho answered him while Wooyoung just prayed that Jongho doesn't actually know it's him.

"So did Jongho say who the sibling is?"

"Hwa, why are you so curious? Leave it and eat." Wooyoung tried to change the topic, he was a bit nervous at this point. When even if they know that San is his step brother, there's nothing wrong.

"San didn't tell Jongho." Yunho replied finally and they all sighed, Wooyoung sighed in relief and ate his lunch with everyone before the next class.


Forever you're my star!


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