He almost seemed taken aback from my bluntness which made me even more proud that I put him in his place. There were plenty of things wrong with me and I refused to let 'cocky genius' be one of them.

The moment of astonishment was gone as I was graced with a slight smirk before our gazes trickled back to the sky. "Okay. So if you had to pick one movie to watch for the rest of your life what would it be?"

"What kind of question is that? Literally every genre serves different purposes and you want me to pick just one."

"Fine, one Comedy and one Horror, stop complaining." Pete teased while ever so causally he freed up one of his arms from behind his head and going to ruffle my hair. That's what happened for a few seconds, but he never pulled it away, instead nestling his long fingers in my blond locks.

It took everything I had not to hum in appreciation whenever his nails would scratch against my scalp. The last thing on my mind we're stupid movies. To be honest it wasn't even about the electricity going through my body, from every inch of my skin that came into contact with him. No, I was too busy being swarmed with self hatred because I couldn't bring myself to move. To be a good person. To be a good girlfriend. What if it was the fact that it was so wrong that kept me there. What if it had nothing to do with Pete and I and this was me justifying my own brain wanting to sabotage my life.

Or what if because it was Pete.  An equally as crazy, emotionally unattached, fucking bassist to a punk band, which part of that sounded stable and worth losing Harley who was the complete opposite in every aspect. 

Then there was the last reason.

The simple, normal Cosette loved Harley.

And this one, whoever she was, did not.

"Superbad and Scream," I blurted out.  If given the opportunity to actually be able to think, the answer may have been different, but at the moment I needed to force myself to keep the conversation light.

"Which Scream?"

"The first one, duh.  Them making fun of the horror genre while still being a scary movie was ground breaking, everything after was trying too hard.  Tell me yours."

Out of the corner of my eye I was his shoulders shrug, "not sure, there's too many."

"Exactly, that's the point, you were the one who asked first."

"Yeah, I never said I could answer my own question."

I sat up, "no fair!  Now mine seem lame because I had to shout something out," reaching out I poked Pete in his side, when he flinched away from my touch it gave me an evil idea.  Before he could know what was going on I pivoted my body, placing a knee on either side of his waist and using my full weight in attempt to keep him still.  Then all of my fingers were pressing into him feverishly.

Immediately the body underneath me began to twist and turn, trying to flip me off.  "I swear to god Cosette...get off me," already his voice was breaking out into pants.  The smile on his face was wild, making me giggle from the fact that this intimidating man could turn soft before my very eyes.

"I'll stop if you tell me your favorite movie."

"I told you I don't know."

"That's a lie, you wouldn't have brought it up. The conversation stayed light but it got me thinking about how often he did that. Pete had a way of getting people to open up about things even though he was a closed book. Did anyone know anything about him? It only made me try harder to get this one simple answer out of him. "Just tell me, what are you afraid of? Is it Frozen?"

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