Chapter Fifty-Seven - Snowblind

Start from the beginning

    "Can I borrow that?" he asks. Starfire and I exchange glances and she hands her hat over before I can. "This is fake fur, right?"

    "Are you in any place to be picky?" I question, eyeing the Titan's skin—so pale that if he weren't green, he would blend in with the snow. When he doesn't respond, I rotate my body so that I am facing Starfire and offer my hat to her. "Here. I won't get cold, but you might eventually."

    Starfire smiles at me, not stupid enough to decline the offer. "Thank you."

    "Any time."

    The T-Ship lifts off, flying into the blizzard as opposed to away from it. My eyes flare blue and the snow parts slightly, but not enough for Cyborg. "I've got zero visibility! Switching to instruments only!"

    "Hold on! I can help!" I grit my teeth as I unbuckle my seatbelt and lean further forward, parting the snow with greater ease. His visibility begins to regenerate, and he thanks me over the microphone.

    "Just go easy! We have to find this outcast!"

    I open my mouth to acknowledge but almost swallow my microphone as my body lurches forward, courtesy of some unknown force. I let out a sharp yelp as I try to stop myself by leaning on the control panel, fingers only just missing several different buttons.

    "What was that?"

    "The outcast," Robin says. "Everyone! Outside!"

    My seatbelt is already undone, and so I don't need to do much before hopping out of the T-Ship. I am the first one out, with my five friends filing out one at a time. As I watch them jump out, I realise that the T-Ship has crashed.

    "Holy—" I'd been so distracted with making sure Cyborg can see where we're going, I wasn't focused on where we were actually going. I shake the thought and focus on the red beam headed our way, watching as it flies towards Robin. My eyes wide, I jump on the Boy Wonder—I land on top of him in the snow, already looking up at our attacker. A blue beam shoots from a broad figure I assume is Cyborg and hits a silhouette far away, and I drag Robin towards the others.

    "We got it!" Cyborg exclaims, but a red beam quickly trips him over.

    Starfire flies towards him and says, "You are mistaken!"

    The figure glows yellow before it is obscured by explosions. The snow sticks to my skin as fire pools in the palm of my hand, enhancing my vision ever so slightly.

    Cyborg's sonic cannon jump starts, but no beam extends from it. "Someone is messing up my sensors! I can't get a lock on it!" he exclaims over the blizzard.

    From beside him, Raven closes her eyes. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" A black dome appears around us, shielding the six of us from the blizzard. It leaves a green shadow, but no aurora rests in the sky.

    "You know, you could've done this when we landed," Beast Boy grumbles ungratefully as he turns into human form. The six of us take the time to survey our surroundings, but I can't find our attacker anywhere.

    "Aw, no!" Cyborg whines, staring angrily at the broken T-Ship; smoke flies from one of its engines. "I just fixed that engine!"

    "I'll help you fix it when we get out of this, Cy." I step forward and turn around slowly, eyes flitting between all possible hiding places. When I don't find anyone, I rake my hand through my hair in annoyance. "Can anyone see 'em?

    "No. He's not here," Robin concludes. "Nice try, Raven."

    "Don't be so sure," the cloaked girl replies.

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