"It was doin' fuck all for me Aurora!" Tommy exclaimed before leaning forwards over the desk to place his face in her line of vision, his stare cold and stony "I need to be better to work, I need to work to save this family and I can not lose focus! Not when so much is at stake so yeah I poured it all down the fuckin' drain"
"I've heard this before, it's always the same reason. Tommy Shelby needs to save the family and you know what Tommy it's bullshit because you can still save this family and take your fucking medication. So it makes you go to sleep a bit earlier ey? Poor you, God knows how much you need sleep! Why couldn't you of just done this one thing?"
It wasn't much of a war. Aurora to her surprise had became the mad woman whilst Tommy remained somewhat calm and at ease. She should of expected it, Tommy didn't win arguments through yelling, he won them through his words. He used his head, Aurora used her heart, neither were wrong but it did make Aurora seem more unhinged.
"Is it too late for us?" Tommy suddenly asked surprisingly Aurora who's jaw slackened slightly as her spine straightened and she stared into him.
"What? Tommy...this isn't...." She tried to get out wanting to get their conversation back on track. She didn't want him to change it, she wanted answers.
"I want to know if it's too late for us mouse because when I take that stuff do you know what I see? I see you, me and Charlie as a family, your stomach is round with another child and your hand is pressed against it, your wedding ring shinning under the sunlight as you smile down at me and Charlie. Then, just as I'm about to raise my hand to join yours the morphine wears off and it's all gone, our family and your beautiful smile. So answer my question mouse, is it too late for us? And if so should I continue to take the stuff so I can catch a glimpse of what my life could be like or haunt myself with what I've lost?"

What was she meant to say?
He was waiting for an answer, engaging her patiently as she took in his words yet none would form on Aurora's tongue, she was completely stunned. Everything they had before was such a distant memory now. Going back to what they once were seemed impossible, too much had happened yet was there a way forwards?
Aurora was enjoying being around Tommy again, she was grateful for his company and looking after Charlie had been a blessing. Things were easy despite the dangers from outside. There was nothing between them in here, they worked well together Aurora would even say that they were now good friends again but could they handle something more? Was she ready for something more?

"I don't know Thomas" Aurora began breaking Tommy free of his pain and finally giving him an answer "There's another reason I didn't come back to you sooner. It wasn't all about Grace or Charlie but also what I was feeling at the time, what I was still feeling up until moving back here. In our time together before Epsom there was a part of me that wanted to hear you tell me you loved me but it never bothered much at all, it didn't make me upset because I felt your love. I would happily pour my heart out to you then and be satisfied with you not doing the same because I felt it Tommy, in your actions, in the way you treat me. Coming home to Watery Lane and telling me about you day whilst we laid in bed was more than enough to make me feel cared for. There were so many things that you did which made me feel loved but after Epsom it became warped. You didn't make me feel loved Tommy, you made me feel like property. Something that you owned and couldn't let go off. You finally said the words over and over yet I didn't feel them. I was nothing but an old possession you believed belonged to only you. I wanted you to make me feel the way I did before Epsom, I still want you to make me feel that way. If you can maybe it isn't too late for us after all"

Standing up, Aurora walked around the desk, took Tommy's face in her hands and gently caressed his cheeks with a soft smile, her eyes brimming with tears.
"I want to be loved by you, not owned by you"
Bending down she kissed his cheek before releasing her hold on him and walking from the room. They both needed to gather their thoughts and she'd been too long from Charlie's side. Aurora prayed Tommy would take in her words for once and used them for good. She was willing to let him in her heart again and see the love instead it but he would have to prove himself worthy of it.

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