Part 4

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It's around 13:00 and Wanda decided to wake me up "Lily sweetheart wake up"  she says as she picks me up "me no wanna." I whine "you don't want to color and watch movies with Mama and Mommy?" Wanda asks and my eyes shoot open "Movies!" I say wiggling trying to get down

Down stairs
Nat's pov
I here giggling coming closer and closer I look over to see my girlfriend tickling m- our Little. "Having fun without me?" I fake a pout "Someone needed a wake me up" Wanda says sitting Lily down by me. I start tickling her and blowing on her stomach while Wanda is making some sandwiches. I see Wanda coming over so I sit up. "Mommy? Mama?"Lily says nervously "yes my little one?" I say back. "I not a girl." Lily said "what pronouns do you use?" Wanda asks "Tay/tem" Lily says Wanda looks at them and says "they/them?" They Nod. "It's ok baby no need to be nervous." Wanda puts on Snow White and we all cuddle. A few hours later it's 16:00 Wanda and Lily are sleeping so I decide to get some work done.

Lily pov
I wake up and see Mommy and Not Mama so I go look for her I find her in her office "Mama I hungry" I say Mama looks up smiles and says "ok darling" she pick me up and takes me to the kitchen "do you want Mac n cheese or dino nuggies" Mama asks "dino nuggies Mama" Mama laughs as if she knew my answer as she puts the dino nuggies in the oven Mommy wakes up I run over to her "Hi mommy" she picks me up "hi baby" mommy says "Mama's fixing dino nuggies!"I say Mommy smiles and takes us over to Mama. Mommy kisses Mama and I say "ew" they laugh.

Wanda's pov
After Nat and I kiss the nuggets are ready Nat puts some on Lily's plate and some ketchup I put them in the high chair as Nat puts the plate down we eat chicken and fries. Lily starts to get fussy "what's wrong baby". They continued to whine so I pick them up. They started tugging on my shirt "what's wrong little one" They just continued tugging I pulled my shirt off forgetting I didn't have a bra on they stopped whining and latched on to my nipple it caught me by surprise but I allowed it "looks like we needed the pump after all.";Nat said "yeah." I replied back.


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