Chapter 7: Telmarine Army and The Challenge

Start from the beginning

Roy: Peter, Lucy mind if I join you?

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Roy: Peter, Lucy mind if I join you?

Peter: Not at all Roy we could use some company

Lucy: Yes please do join us

Roy sat down with them and looked the carving at Aslan as well until Peter decided to speak.

Peter: You two are lucky you know

Lucy: What do you mean

Roy: I think he means that you and I saw Aslan and the others didn't.

Peter: Sigh.......I only wish he could of given me some sort of proof....

Lucy: Maybe were the ones who need to prove ourselves to him.

Roy: She's right Peter and your not alone in this we will always be there for each other just like how my family was to me.

Lucy and Peter smiled at Roy and realized he is right and then the three of them continued to stare at the carving until Edmund came in a hurry.

Edmund: Guys?

Roy: Edmund whats the matter?

Edmund: You better come quickly

With that all four of them ran towards outside the How and once they got outside, they saw that the Telmarine army has arrived and there was a lot of them, armed with many weapons and greater numbers. And the person who was riding the white horse was known other than Miraz himself.

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The Chronicles Of Narnia: Princess Caspia and The Defender Of TruthWhere stories live. Discover now