He was about to argue but thankfully didn't.

"Fine. If it will make you feel better."

"It will. Now, what is this Narcissa tells me about you potentially hiding bad backaches from me?"

He blushes brightly.

"How did she--"

"She's a mother too Kitten. She knows these things. Here, turn around and let me rub your back. You'll feel better."

He does so reluctantly, but is soon a moaning puddle in my hands. Narcissa was right, he must have needed this more than he let on.

---Hadrian's POV---

"Mmm, now that, is delicious."

"Hey! Hands off mister! Those are for the party."

"What can I say, Love? Your cooking is simply irresistible even if I don't like that you are up and moving around so much." He gives me a pointed look to which I roll my eyes.

"Tom, you know she said it's good for me to move around before the babies are born, and I will continue to do so until she tells me otherwise."

"Still, we're getting awfully close to your due date. Besides, I feel like this is pushing things a bit." He gestures to all of the food laid out on the counters causing me to blush at the lack of space.

"We have a lot of guests coming over for Christmas."

"I think the elves can handle things from here. Come on, I'll rub your back and feet, then you can take a nap before the guests arrive."

The large amount of pain in my back and feet both prevents me from arguing, and I find myself nodding off to a soothing foot rub.


"Hadrian look at you! You look amazing!" Hermione calls to me as she and her parents arrive, one of the few that enter through the front door instead of the floo.

"Thank you. You look pretty good yourself. I know someone who won't be able to keep their eyes off you tonight."

She blushes and swats my arm playfully.

"How are the babies?"

"They're doing really well. I just wish they'd be here already. I can barely find a comfortable position to sleep anymore, although Tom got me a body pillow that has helped a lot."

"That's good."

"Yes Hermione mentioned that you were pregnant, though I must admit I didn't believe her at the time. I thought it was just a joke. I think it's wonderful you're able to have children together despite the fact your both men. Congratulations."

"Thank you Mrs. Granger."

"Hermione!" Draco calls as he sweeps her into a hug.

"Hi Draco." She grins.

"Did you hear? The twins finally asked Blaise out just now. They caught him under the mistletoe!"

"What? Really?" I ask with excitement.

"I thought I told the house elves no mistletoe." Tom wonders aloud.

"I overruled you as I count for four votes, you count for one, and these two each count for one making it six against one."

"Where do you get that math from?!"

"From the fact that I'm the one carrying your children for nine months along with all the symptoms that come with it."

"But I'll never win another argument for the rest of our lives that way!"

The Grangers laugh at his misfortune.

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