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Nanami had just left work. It was the end of his shift, at 8:30pm. The sky was a dull, shade of cold grey, rain clouds looming overhead. He had unfortunately forgotten his umbrella, and jacket, as the morning before work was warm and sunny, so he took a gamble. Lucky for him he didn't live too far, probably twenty minutes on foot, if you don't take any shortcuts. However, because of the rain, he may have to take his chances with a shortcut.
Walking fast paced, one hand in pocket, other holding his bag, he turned around the corner. He was hoping to go home, sit on the couch with his cats and read a book or something. As he turned the corner, he noticed a sketchy figure, in all black kneeling on the ground near a bus-stop.
Thinking nothing of it, he continued on his way home, humming to himself, as he was rather chipper, because his shift went quick with no issues.

"Shit." The blonde male said under his breath, as he gripped the handle of the blade residing in his side. Tears began streaming down his face as he just now realized what had just happened.
"How.. How could I, of all people.. Let this happen?" He hurriedly pulled out the knife that had been plunged into his side prior and tossed it to the floor. As the clatter of the blade sounded, his knees got weak and his body plummeted to the ground. In haste, he ripped his sleeve off of the rest of his shirt and scrunched it into a ball, purely to apply pressure to his wound. As he pushed onto the bloody hole in his waist he realized, any one of his next breaths could be his last. "Well that sucks." Nanami thought to himself. And with that information he concluded, that he should use his last breaths to talk to the person he cared about. His eyebrows furrowed. "I love him," he whispered to himself, clenching his gut, and preserving his energy.

He reached out to his trouser pocket, with a bloody hand, that wouldn't stop trembling. His phone's dim light lit up the surrounding area, which seemed to be the damp concrete of the street. His phone buzzed once, maybe twice, maybe even thrice. As the blonde man began losing hope for his platinum counterpart's answer, he heard it.
"Hello?" From across the line. "Hello?" The man repeated. Kento let out a small cough, and smiled softly, as his voice soothed his pain. "Hello, gojo." Nanami responded, softly.
"Nanamin! To what do I owe the pleasure?" Inquired satoru, from the other end, relieving a petite giggle.
"Nothing. I just wanted to say hello." Smiled the tired man, as he squinted to check the time. 8:43pm, it read. His watch had always been a little off, by two minutes or so. So in actuality, the time is 8:41. "Well nanamin, I get off shift in twenty or so minutes, would you like to get some drinks after?" Beamed the older man, chipper as ever. Nanami began to tear, as he would enjoy that opportunity, but he knew that he wasn't able to seize it. Nonetheless, Nanami responded, "I'd really like that,"
"Oh really? That's cool, I'll meet you at 9?" Chuckled Gojo. Nanami coughed once more.

Tapping his pen on the table of his workplace, Gojo spoke "You okay.? Are you sick?"
Looking down at the bloody wound in his side, that left him in a puddle of his own blood, he lied. "Yes, just a little under the weather." Elaborating no further, he pressed harder into the wound, laying on his side, curled like a shrimp. Concern had aroused to the blue eyed male, as he realised that everything was not fine. "Oh well, what's the matter?" He questioned.
"I need to tell you something," uttered the blonde, as his breaths drew shallower and shallower. He was finding it hard to breath, his eyelids were heavy, he couldn't feel his legs, and he was cold.

"What did you want to say bud?" Gojo spoke, gently, keeping his happy facade up. Tears began forming, misting up his vision.
The well dressed man from across the line formed words once more, and Gojo understood.

Rushing out the building with an umbrella in hand, the tall man ran, splashing puddles into the air, and dampening his socks.
"Stay on the line, please, I'm coming, right now," he cried, breaths breaking his words.
As he searched for the other man, he caught a glimpse of red, yellow and blue.
He rushed over to the man laid on the cold, wet pavement, whose eyes were barely open, and lips blue.

Without thinking, Gojo cradelled they bloody mess of a man in his arms, staining his white business shirt and black slacks red. Trying to form words, he began sobbing, with nanami in his arms. "Nanamin, it's going to be okay- Y-you'll be alright," hiccuped Gojo over his tears. "Just breathe, okay? Please, stay awake," he repeated two or three times, before he swallowed the spit and sobbed louder, and harder. "Hey- hey- hey- it's gonna be okay- don't shut your eyes, not yet, I love you- please don't shut your eyes.." Gojo wept, hanging his head down low.
Nanami's eyebrows relaxed, and he shed a tear. He looked up at Gojo, smiling softly. "I love you too." He said, one last time, before he drew his last breath.

The end

I apologize if it's wordy and hard to read
-Jujutsu kaisen
-Nanami kento
-Gojo satoru

Written by Ash ~<3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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