Dress coded

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"Here's his office" the brunette says while leaving a confused blonde at someone's office door

Dream takes a few breaths before knocking on the dark wooden door

Knock Knock

Dream stares at the door for only 2 seconds after hearing movement inside the room in front of him

"Come in"
The monotone voice ordered

Dream comes into the room to be met with ruby red eyes looking him up and down

Dream feeling self conscious opens his mouth to say someth-

"Close that door as well" the pinkette ordered once again

Dream does as he is told and closes the door making a click noise

"Now Mr.wastaken" the pinkette starts off the conversation while making eye contact with Dream

Dream makes his way over to the chair in front of the pinkette's desk

"Mr wastaken you're being dressed coded For this..inappropriate business attire your wearing"

The pinkette said while making small hand gestures

"W-wha- I mean sir, isn't this the right business attire" Dream said while doing air quotes

As dream states his reasoning he's also making eye contact with the pinkette

Mr blade was hinting something while doing so

Dream looks down and then back up to Mr blade and gives him a what look

"Mr wastaken, there seems to be a problem with your suit"

Dream still being confused asks him
"What do you mean Mr blade-"
"The suit it-it's too tight and it'll cause a distraction to your co-workers, it really shows off your curv- it's distracting"

Dream starts to get self conscious once again because he always known he had a feminine body and hated it with a passion

"I-I o-ok" Dream says while his face starts to heat up from noticing how his boss was admiring his body

Dream gets up from the chair he was currently(PAHAHA WHILE I WAS TYPING "CURRENTLY" MY FIRST THING THAT CAME UP WAS CU-) sitting in. Dream turns around making his way to the door- twisting the door handle

before he turns it, he feels as if someone is stareing daggers into his back.
he turns his head a little to only seeing his boss shooting looks at his Ass?

He quicklys opens the door and speed walks out of his boss's room without a sound. blush slowly creeping up onto his face and ears.

HI again reader :) hope you liked this chapter! and it is very short i know. i didn't have any ideas for it SORRY- but i hoped you still enjoyed it!

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