Moving Out

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July 17: Moving Day

Ali's POV

When I woke up I could barely hold in my excitement. It is Saturday morning and in 3 hours Emily is coming over so we can move into our apartment. This was her first time home since the fight with her mother and I was afraid for her.

I am so excited I can wait to wake up. The second my alarm went off I shot out if bed and into the shower. I had already packed up all my clothes two days before except the ones I was going to sleep in and wear for two days. I quickly packed up my extra clothes in a plastic bag and set them by the front door with my boxes of clothes, bathroom items, pictures, jewelry, books, my favorite movies, and my extra items like stuffed animals. Today is going to be the perfect day.

Emily's POV

Today is moving day and I'm really excited. I woke up st 6:00 on a Saturday when I planned on waking up at 7:30. I was way too excited to sleep for and extra hour and a half. After my shower I packed up the few things remaining I wanted. Ali and I agreed to buy most of our furniture. But I and bringing a chair that my mom said she wanted me to have. Ali is bringing the couch in her room so well have places to sit down at least.

I wasn't supposed to be at Ali's until 10:00 so I didn't really know what to do when I finished getting ready. I had two hours before the truck was at my house and I had to pack up my things. Then I would head over to Ali's and we would pack her stuff and off we would go.

When the truck pulled in I was so excited that my heart was pounding out if my chest. But when I got down the stairs and saw my mom crying, it broke my heart. She knew this day would come but I guess it's hard to let your kids go. "I love you Emily. And I want what's best for you. I'm sorry for everything." I smile at her and hug her tight. "I know mom. I love you too. But I got to get this stuff outside or I won't have anything at my house." She lets go of me and we smile at each other before I start to bring my stuff to the curb.

After getting my stuff in the truck I jump in my car and show the movers to Ali's house. She we got there she was already outside bringing boxes. "Hey Em." She says with a huge smile and she leans in to peck me on the lips. "I have about 2 more boxes and my couch." After we helped Ali get the couch out she got in my car a we went off to our new apartment.

Ali's POV

When we got to the apartment I was excited. I practically jumped out of the car and ran inside. It was so beautiful with a lifted floor to the living area, and huge kitchen with dark wood cabinets and black and white tile flooring. I was so stunned I stopped in my tracks. This was actually our place. We were living together.

Emily's POV

The apartment was perfect. It was so beautiful I almost dropped the box I was carrying of Ali's breakables. After bringing in pall our boxes Ali and I set up the chair and couch. They were the perfect colors for the carpet and wall color. The carpet is white and the walls are a very light blue. The place looked amazing.


Furniture Shopping

Emily's POV

We walked into the furniture store and I was immediately dragged to the beds. Ali wanted a queen size and I agreed, we need more space to sleep. The DiLaurentis family and my parents were nice enough to pitch in $250 each. So Ali and I had $500 to help buy out bed and sheets.

After looking around for what felt like eternity we finally found the perfect mattress. The easy part was done. We now have to find a bed Sat and a frame. Ali is very picky so I knew I was in for at least three more hours of shopping.

Ali's POV

After finding the perfect mattress Emily and I went to find a bed set and a frame. I am very picky when it comes to this stuff but when I saw this bed set I immediately knew it was the perfect blanket. It is a light blue with dark blue edges. It was supper soft and $50. It was perfect for us.

Now that I knew what the bed set looked like I knew I wanted a dark colored frame made from wood. It was easy to find because when I described it to the employee they brought us to the best bed frame. It was naturally black wood with this amazing head board design, it was perfect.

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