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Aaron was sent to Erin Strauss' office for a surprise meeting, and he was tense about what the meeting was about

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Aaron was sent to Erin Strauss' office for a surprise meeting, and he was tense about what the meeting was about. He gets to Erin's office and knocks on the door, before standing back waiting for his boss to open the door. Not even a minute later, the door opened to reveal Erin Strauss with a grin, "Agent Hotchner, come in!" She backed up so he could walk into the room and Aaron walked in to see an all too familiar man, who he thought was dead, standing against the wall. "Phil?" Aaron asked in shock at the sight of his friend from a long time in the academy. Phil smiled at his friend of the BAU as he walked over to him, "Aaron, nice to see you!" The two men hugged each other for a moment, remembering their times together before pulling away as Erin had her arms crossed with a grin. "I see the both of you know each other. I will let Agent Coulson explain the reason we are all here." Erin informs him as she dropped her arms down at her sides. Aaron looks at her confused, "You weren't the one that called this meeting?" Erin shook her head firmly, "No. Phil contacted me moments ago that he had a preposition, but he wanted to inform you of the situation as well." Phil cleared his throat to gather their attention, and the two looked at him, waiting to hear what he has to say. "I am sure you are confused as to how I am alive. I will explain later, but there is an important matter that I must ask of you both." Phil explains with seriousness in his voice. Aaron looked at him curiously, as he wondered what his friend wanted to tell them. Aaron crossed his arms with a stern look glancing at Erin before looking back at Phil, "What is it?" Phil looked at him with a smile, as he told his lifelong friend what he wanted to do, "I want to combine our teams." Erin and Aaron looked at him in shock as they didn't expect that type of answer at all. Aaron hasn't seen his friend since they went to high school together, and here he was asking to combine the two teams. "I don't expect an answer straight away. I know the problems that could impact this, but here is the address to the B.U.S. When you and your team decide if you want to join us come meet us there no later than 7. We have cases too." Phil tells his friend. He hands Aaron a card before he left the building as Aaron looked at Erin, wondering if she knew about this, but she too was shocked as she had to think about how Aaron and herself were going to decide and do this. Aaron looked at his boss with curiosity as if asking if she was a part of this, "Did you know about this?" Strauss shook her head, "No. He arrived and told me that he wanted a meeting with the both of us." He looked at her for advice, not sure how his team will react to the preposition, "What do you think I should do?" She sighed at him, "I think you should talk to your team about this as they will be, maybe, joining as well." He sighed and nodded as he headed for the door, "Alright." Aaron left the room, heading passed his team, not before he looked at each of them with a grave look, "Meeting in the conference room." He then made his way to the conference room after telling JJ and David as he prepared to inform them. The team all looked at each other confused and concerned before going where he requested. They get inside and Aaron was in front of the screen, which is usually JJ's position, with a firm look. Everyone sat down and looked at him as they noticed his look and Derek was the first to ask, "What's wrong, Hotch?" Derek looked at him with concern about the anxiety on his friend and coworker's face. Aaron started to explain, "I just got back from a meeting with Strauss and an old friend. Most of you have heard of him. Phil Coulson?" David frown confused as he heard the name before, seeing as Aaron had mentioned his friend to him multiple times, "The new director of S.H.I.E.L.D?" Aaron nodded firmly, "Yes. Well, he asked something of me and you guys that I need to discuss. He wants to combine our teams together." The team held shocked expressions on their faces as they never expected that to happen as SHIELD was a very good, yet a dangerous organization. "Really?" Spencer asks shocked at the opportunity they received as Penelope commented excited, "Sounds exciting!" Aaron nodded, "I wanted everyone to know because you can say no to this. He wants us to meet at this address no later than 7." Aaron placed the card Phil gave him before he left, and everyone took turns looking at the card and reading it. "I say, we should do it." Emily tells them her opinion, thinking it was a good idea and Aaron looked at her curiously, "Really? Why?" She knew she would have to explain her suggestion, "It could be a new experience for all of us. None of us have experienced anything like what S.H.I.E.L.D has. Also, Phil is an old friend of yours, maybe he can give us some tips for all of us." Derek nodded in agreement saying she was right, while he glanced over at Emily, "I'm in." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement as they were excited about their new adventure.

Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficWhere stories live. Discover now