Chapter 8 | Promise?

Start from the beginning

Incoming Call From Pabo Hyejinie

"Hey, wassup sis?" I asked sitting down on the floor "Oppa! After the event do you wanna go eat somewhere with my friends" She asked "Yeah sure, can I bring some of my friends too?" I asked catching some of the guys attention "Wair lemme ask them" She said and screamed out something to assuming her friends, then some loud 'yes' was heard after "Yeah they're okay with it" She said and we said our goodbyes and ended the call

I stood up from the floor "Hey Guys, my sister wanna eat with some of her friends, you guys wanna join" They all nodded and returned to the game they were playing, i took a bit of a nap while we're waiting

[At ITZY's Dorm]

The girls finally know what has been happening with Ryujin, while some was skeptical of Y/n (Mostly Yeji) some were very happy and trusted him since he was Hyejin's Brother "Hyejin ah are you driving us to the venue?" Lia asked and Hyejin nodded saying that their manager had some stuff she needed to do and will be joining her later in the venue

They went into Hyejin's rented car and drove to the venue, the ride was pretty eventful from the girls singing random things and debating which is better wireless earphone or wired earphone which quickly stopped before it gets out of hand

"Unnie are we there yet" Yuna asked getting bored "A little bit you guys go get ready" Hyejin said making their last turned, The staff members of the venue greeted them and showed them their waiting room "Wahh for a college event they sure splurged on their talents or guests" Yuna said plopping down on the couch followed by Chaeryoung and Yeji "You guys can wait here me and Ryujin wanna go look around first" Hyejin smiled dragging a confused Ryujin out

"Wait Hyejin" Ryujin stopped making them stand in the middle of the hallway "Are we meeting Him now?" Ryujin asked and Hyejin giggled and nodded "I'm not ready yet, what if he hates me if he founds out i lied to him" She asked and Hyejin hold her shoulder making her stop shaking around "Ryujin ah, don't worry he won't hate you" Hyejin smiled after she calmed down a bit they both walked around

"Wait Hye Jin ah, you don't know actually know his location huh" Ryujin asked and Hyejin awkwardly laughs "No i don't " she said while Ryujin just giggled "Ah i'll go ask him" Hyejin asked pulling out her phone and calling him, putting Y/n on loud speaker "Yeah, Hello?" Y/n said making Ryujin's heart skipped a beat hearing his voice, to her it's so soothing to the ear making her feel all giddy inside "Y/n oppa, where are you right now? i'm at the venue" Hyejin asked "Oh? you here already, do you know where you are i can go look for you" Y/n asked "I actually don't know, i'm near a stair if that helps" Hyejin said while Ryujin looked around "Alright then, don't go anywhere" Y/n Said hanging up the call "Let's just sit here for a while" Hyejin said sitting on the steps, Ryujin sat down and started playing with her fingers "Still nervous" Hyejin asked scooting closer and she nodded

Meanwhile, Y/n asked Jinhyuk around since he knows most of the layout "Gee that f**kin helps, it's now like there's a million stairs on this venue" Jinhyuk said making "If you are not gonna help you are free to leave" Y/n stated and left him behind "Yahh i was joking alright" Jinhyuk quickly catched up "Come on let's look here first" He said pointing at one of the staircase

After a while Y/n noticed the back off his sister and another person, he motioned Jinhyuk to keep quiet as he snuck behind her "HYEJIN AH" He yelled making the latter jumped "Aishh, AHH OPPA WHY DO YOU DO THAT" The girl yelled hitting him repeatedly while he laughed on the ground "So..sorr..sorry" He said between laughter

"Ah Ryujin you okay?" Hyejin noticed reaching out for the blonde haired girl "Ye..Yeah" She said smiling "Yahh oppa look what you did" Hyejin scolded, Y/n noticed and quickly bowed to her "Sorry" and she replied with an okay "Oh yeah oppa she's one of my friends that will be joining us" Hyejin smiled as they bowed to each other "Hello, My name is Shin Ryujin, is nice to finally meet you Wang Y/n" She bowed "Hell- wait how do you know my name" He asked sceptically "Oh.. Uh Im The shin Ryujin you've been talking to on chat" She replied looking down "Oh that make sen-" His eyes widened when he finally realised "WHAT!"

[A/n: Ahh this seems like a perfect time to promote a side project i have been doing, so i decided to make a Oneshot book (by the time you're reading this it's already up) So far i only published a few stories and so after this you can read the story or better yet! Request something, I'll be happy to write them as long as it's something I am comfortable with. Anyways enough with this back to the story]

"So you've been meaning to tell me that, You are the one that have been texting me all this time" Y/n asked still in disbelief while Jinhyuk is still processing all of this "I'll let you two some alone time" Hyejin said while grabbing jin hyuk out of their way

Ryujin started to tell why she didn't tell him at the beginning, and y/n listening to her and understood why she have to do the things she did "Well that's why i did it, i fully understand if you're mad" Ryujin said fiddling with her fingers, and Y/n just chuckled "Why would i be mad?" He said looking at her making Ryujin face him "I understand, i'm not mad, and" He said kneeling if front of her "If you're worried that i may turn into that Jihoon person, i won't, i would like to befriend you as Shin Ryujin that i met in chat and spent a lot of time with laughing and crying with each other, not Ryujin from ITZY who is Famous for a lot of things, Don't worry alright" He smiled, Y/n was hesitant at first but then he clasped both of her hands "Even if i did, i would probably be kicked to death by my sister and your members" He smiled making Ryujin chuckled a bit "Promise?" Ryujin asked, looking at him, they were probably inches apart but none of them realized that.

"Promise" He smiled "Pinky Promise?" She asked holding out her pinky "Geez what are we in middle school" Y/n chuckled, Ryujin whined and stomped her feet "Alright pinky Promise" He smiled interlocking their Pinky, Ryujin then smiled widely showing her famous whisker dimple

Fake gags were then heard from a far, making the both Turned their heads looking at Jinhyuk and Hyejin laughing their asses off "Pwomise me oppa" Hyejin acted out exaggerating it "Yes Ryujinnie i Pwomise" Jinhyuk played along laughing again, while Ryujin and Y/n looked at each other smirking "Y'know i heard that Hyejin is very, very ticklish" he said making Ryujin looked at Her "Really?" She smirked standing up making her way to her "Yah Yah oppa why did you tell her that" Hyejin whined backing up from the scary Ryujin "You're dead Hyejin ah" Ryujin said catching her

Hyejin stumbled back and was attacked at her side by Ryujin's tickles, while Jinhyuk was laughing at her "What are you laughing at huh" Y/n asked behind him making Jinhyuk jump a bit "AH! You know I was joking..Right?" Jinhyuk try to reason with him but it was no use

Hyejin and Jinhyuk was out of breath sweating "Remind me not to tease them again" Hyejin gasped out and He nodded "Hey Jin come on Daemi is waiting" Y/n said pocketing her phone "I'll see you later then" Ryujin asked and he nodded "I'm gonna watch you perform" She smiled "You better" He smiled back and patted her head, soon Jin Hyuk with Y/n parted ways with them and Ryujin helped Hyejin up "Thanks HyeJin ah" She smiled and Hyejin nodded "You owe me a meal alright" She said "You earned it' She replied as they went back to their Changing room

To Be Continued


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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