Introverted teammate, Part 2 - Help? (Natasha)

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All it took was this small interaction to know that you made the right choice coming to her. All of your worries washed away as you noticed how safe and unhinged you felt around her. You weren't even upset anymore that you were dying your hair.

Feeling more comfortable with the situation, you started to act more like yourself. "Okay so how... the hell do I do this", you gestured to the die in your hand. She smiled and laughed, "Follow me."

She led you into her bathroom where she took the dye out of your hands. "Gimme this", she playfully muttered, smiling. She read the back of the box while she nodded her head towards the toilet seat. "Sit", she said, not breaking eye contact with the directions.

She ripped the box open and displayed its contents along her counter as she examined the quality of the chemicals. You watched contently. The bathroom was silent, but it wasn't awkward, not at all. It felt normal, and calm. "Okay", she lightly nodded her head. "I thinkkkk, I know what I'm doing.", She said, although it sounded like she was trying to reassure herself more than you. "Oh god", you muttered under your breath as she began mixing chemicals. She smiled, "Oh come on what's the worst that's gonna happen?", She panned towards you. "Oh, I don't know... Maybe, just maybe, I don't know, my hair will fall out!" You sarcastically reminded her, she laughed. "Hey, it might. You never know." Natasha said. "Wow... Cause that makes me feel sooooo much better!", you giggled.

You watched as she continued to mix the chemicals. Your anxiety once again grew as you realized it was becoming too late to back out now. Starting to chew your bottom lip, Natasha noticed your anxiety and tried to get your mind off of it.

"So, are you enjoying it here?", she caught you off guard. "Oh, uhhh. Yeah, the boys are driving me nuts, but yeah it's nice here", you answered genuinely with a smile. "Yeah, I can see how their uhh... Annoying.", She said slowly trying to find the right words to describe them. You lightly chuckle at her description, "Yeah, they're really annoying, but I guess they're kind of like family now? I think we all are." You paused, then continued. "I think it's just nice to have people in your corner for once. This is kind of like the... Only family I've ever had so". The mood in the room changed as you stared into the distance sadly. "It's a pretty crappy family". Natasha said chuckling, filling the void. "Yuuup... but it's better than nothing". You sighed. "Wow, that smells awful". You mentioned giggling again, trying to change the mood. "Yeah no, this, this is definitely toxic." She clarified laughing along.

"Alright,  you ready?" She asked. You looked at the dye and quickly nodded looking at her. "You're sure?" She asked one more time. "Yes?", you said skeptically. "Okay". She said, stepping closer. "Oh, wait." You put your hands up for her to stop for a moment. Standing up you began to take your shirt off. Her eyebrows raised as she looked at you now in just a sports bra, surprised. "It's my favorite shirt," you shrugged and sat back down. "Okay... Now I'm ready", you told her.

You shivered as the cold bleach and dye ran down your head. Natasha ran her hands through your hair making sure to coat every strand with bleach. You chewed your bottom lip regretting your decision to dye your hair. Natasha noticed and tried to calm you. "Don't bite your lips, you'll ruin them." You looked up at her, her eyes still focused on coating your head. "Don't worry, It'll look good.".

She finished massaging your hair and peeled the gloves off of her hands while leaning over you to see the counter to read the instructions. You blushed at how close you were, but tried to keep your cool. "Okay, so now we wait 20 minutes, and then wash it out so your hair doesn't fall out." She instructed. Your eyes got wide at that last part. "No, no I said so it DOESN'T fall out." She laughed.

As she cleaned up the bathroom you stood in front of the mirror and looked at your hair for the first time. "Oh my god. This was such an awful idea." You stated regretfully, as you started to panic. Natasha heard the panic in your voice and stepped away from what she was doing. She stood behind you and placed her hands on either shoulder rubbing up and down your arms. "No. No, no, no, no. This wasn't an awful idea. Everythings better, blonde, trust me." She reassured me. "And if it looks like crap, then I'll go blonde too... Who cares, it's just hair anyway." She confidently told you. You couldn't help but smile at her support. "Go sit on the bed." She instructed as she finished cleaning the small bathroom.  You happily sat and contently spaced out until she walked out of the bathroom.

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