✨Fake Girlfriend? - 5✨

Start from the beginning

"I don't know what to do? To be happy that my son is feeling bad seeing me in pain or to be sad that my son misunderstood me! I agree that I have not been happy since many years. But it was not because I lost money, fields and property. It was because I lost the precious thing of my life....", Chetan wiped his tears and continued further.

"Your mother! I went to our old fields because that was the place where we have a spent the most of our times together, to relive the memories. You asked me na, why didn't I marry again because I couldn't give Mahima's place to anyone. But when she left me my happiness, my smile also left with her.", His father said. Rakshit was in guilt that he misunderstood his father.

"But now you will also go to America leaving me all alone here

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"But now you will also go to America leaving me all alone here. When you were in Mumbai I used to come to meet you whenever I wanted to. But now you are going so far that I won't be able to come also." His father completed.

"Such a fool I am! Since so many days I thought you wanted your money and your fields back but never understood you. I sometimes that you were greedy for money and property. But I couldn't understand that you were yearning for your wife, my mother. I am sorry dad! I am so sorry.", Rakshit said and hugged his father. Rakshit was crying in father's embrace.

"Why are you saying sorry? I am lucky that I got a son who cares for his father and wants to see him happy. I have to live with your mother's memories only but do you also want to live in Drishti's memories? Why are denying the fact that you love her?!", His father said and Rakshit broke the hug looking at his father shocked.

"The lie that you told for Divya, can't you make it true for me?", His father asked.

"I also want to make it true dad but she has already told her mom that she will marry someone else.", He said.

"What? This marriage can't happen! Let's go to Mumbai and stop the marriage.", His father said.

Rakshit called his boss and told him to cancel his transfer to America. He and his father left for Mumbai at the same night.

On the other side

"You were right mom! I should have listened to you first only.", Drishti, while as clad in a red wedding lehenga said to be mother.

", Drishti, while as clad in a red wedding lehenga said to be mother

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