The Dark Lord and The Second Protection

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Lana had never been a fan of Bertha Jorkins, but still, the woman's death had made her sorry. If, for no other reason, that she didn't prevent it. In fact, in an odd sort of convoluted way, she might even have well...caused it. But, still, she tried to stop it.

Although, a distant part of her admitted, that she didn't try as hard as she probably could have. I mean, this was the woman who spread some very nasty and untrue rumors about her. Still, Lana knew that didn't mean she deserved to die. But, then again, that's why she did try to save least a little bit.

But, let's go back to recap what lead Lana to wanting to rescue one of her least favorite people.

Peter, after escaping capture at Hogwarts, grew paranoid, especially with what Sirius had told him about Voldemort's followers. They would learn he was alive. They thought that HE had somehow betrayed the Dark Lord. Now that Sirius was free, no one powerful and good would help him and he was on the run, truly now, from many of the Dark ones. He wouldn't make it on his own.

Peter had given up his life for Voldemort, quite literally. He'd betrayed his school friends, he'd faked his death, and he'd lived as a rat for twelve years. Now, Sirius Black was free from Azkaban and there wasn't a doubt in Peter's mind that if they ever crossed paths again, that he would die. So, he had to flee and go far.

His situation had become desperate, no where to go, no one to turn to, and like so many years ago, he saw but one solution. Voldemort. He had nothing else, no one else, in his life. He'd thrown it all away to serve his Master, and now, he had to see his choice through to the end.

Firstly though, he had to go to his old home where he'd stashed a special artifact long ago. However, traveling undetected meant staying in rat form, which as always, made him more susceptible to Lana. Not that she needed it. More and more he'd seen her when in human form. She was getting stronger...or he was getting weaker, closer to death. But he didn't want to think about that.

He scurried through the streets of London, fleeing that voice, but Lana was furious. Sirius had been sentenced to THE DEMENTORS' KISS because of him.

"Run all you want, Little Peter," Lana called after him. "You can't outrun me. You won't. Especially not now."

He squeaked fearfully and tried to move faster, eliciting a dark laugh that shouldn't have belonged to anyone who appeared so young and innocent. Desperate but relieved, he made it to his old house, entering it through a rat hole and into the basement.

Seeing where he was headed she blinked and was suddenly in front of him, sitting on the very chest he came for.

"Getting HIS wand, are you? Think its power will protect you? Sorry, Peter," she smiled, a wicked smile all teeth, and he noticed her eyes had become pure black. "Nothing can protect you from me Peter. Nothing."

In a sudden flutter, so clumsy in nerves he landed on his bum, Peter transfigured back to a man. This time, however, the transformation did nothing to change his eyesight.

Lana was still there, and when her eyes met his, he felt the jolting terror take hold of him. His only comfort had been not seeing her all the time. The ability to escape her had been something to anticipate, like sleep after a long day or a drink after a trek in the desert. To have that bit of salvation gone drove him that much closer to madness.

"Told you so," she laughed as she often had over a prank she, James, Remus, Peter, and Sirius had pulled. "You will never escape me Peter. Traitors can't hide from their deeds. Murderers can't hide from their victims."

"Leave me alone!" Peter screamed, desperately putting his hands over his ears and squeezing his eyes shut. "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Distantly, Lana might have felt guilty. She remembered that often scared often anxious boy who she'd talk through some of the more dangerous assignments and Maurader pranks. She might have had pity on him even, but then she remembered Lily and James lying dead on the floor, she remembered Sirius driven to insanity in Azkaban, and all sympathy disappeared from her soul.

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