The Unread Message (Tzukook)

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A boy who was suffering from cancer had lived his whole life inside the house being taken care of by his mother.

One day he wanted to go outside,. His mother was hesitant but reluctantly agreed. He was sick of always being at home and she knew that. She let him go for a walk down the street.

Jungkook walked past a lot of stores and came across one particular one that sold CDs. He went inside. He saw the prettiest girl he had ever seen there and he knew immediately that he loved her. It was a classic case of love at first sight.

He walked up to the desk behind which she was working. Jungkook could not seem to notice anything else except her. Tzuyu looked up at him and smiled. "Can I help you?" said she in the sweetest voice ever. He just wanted to kiss her right then and there, but he managed to think of something.

"I, uh, I want to buy a CD," he said. Jungkook picked up a random one and paid the girl.
"Would you like that wrapped?" Tzuyu asked him, flashing him the cutest smile once again.

He nodded, and she went to get the supplies she needed.

She came back, wrapped the CD, and he took it and left.

The next day Jungkook  went back and bought another CD, got it wrapped same as usual. He really wanted to ask her out but he didn't have the courage. Jungkook repeated the same thing for the next few weeks. He put every CD in his closet.

The mom found out about this and asked him to just ask her out, so the next day when Jungkook went to buy the CD, while Tzuyu went to get the wrapping paper, he wrote his number and left.

[A few days later, the phone rings]

Jungkook's mom picked up, it was Tzuyu. She wanted to speak to the boy. The mom (sobbing) told Tzuyu that he passed away last week.

Later, the mom wanted to remember her son so she went to his room and opened his closet. There she found all the unopened CDs. She opened one and it had a note. It was from the girl. "Hi, I think you're really cute, do you want to go out?"

She opened one more. There was one more piece of paper, and the same thing in the next CD and so on...

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