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I didn't realize that it would take me two damn years to get a divorce!

  Finally, the judge ruled that I get seventy-five percent of everything.

  Frank wanted alimony since I make more than he does. The judge ruled against that. His girlfriend is now divorced also. She dumped him when her husband dumped her.

  "Hey Trin! I'm going to my uncles house for the fourth of July. You are coming with me. Kind of a celebration of your divorce. No, is not an answer that I will accept." Ryland said as we eat dinner.

  "How long are you staying?"

  "The week."

  "How do you know if I have that much time off?"

  "Because you haven't taken any time off except for court. That is three days. So you have two weeks and two days left."

  "You're right! I'll go."

  "Don't argue. I want you to go. You need to have some fun." He paused a second. "Wait! What?"

  "I said that I'll go. What time are we leaving?" I smile at him as he is shocked speechless.

  Ryland got on the laptop to make arrangements for a hotel.

  "You don't have to deal with that yet. We have plenty of time."

  "I have to do this now. Or you will back out. I know you too well!"

  I laughed because he was right. But I told him last year that I would go this year. So I have to keep my word.

   "We are leaving around six Sunday morning. The hotel is paid for the entire week." Ry tells me.

  "I can't wait!" It has been years since I have seen his uncle Eddie.

    Eddie had been in the navy when life got rough for the boys. He felt guilty for not being here for the boys. He has a July 4th cookout every year. Ryland asks me to go with him every year.

  We leave for Colorado at six, just three days later. We drove all day until seven-forty.
Bryson's pov***

   It has been six weeks since I talked to Ry. I wonder how they are doing?

  It has been a long hard road to be where I am today. I left home to escape the pain of their abuse. I never thought that they would take it out on Ryland. Especially when James came to me with his deal. What scared and beaten seventeen year old would? To make matters worse was Trinity always looking so sad when she saw the fresh bruises. But what made me leave was James coming to me and telling me that if I didn't leave, he would never allow Ry to move in with Trinity and her parents. So I left. The bastard had told me that he would allow Ry to move in with them immediately. He didn't. He continued to torture Ry for more than a year. The courts made him sign over custody.

  The shame of being so gullible, kept me away from my brother and Trinity. The only two people who cared for me. I struggled with drugs and alcohol for a few years. When I broke into a barn to steal something for food, I was caught. The best thing that ever happened to me!

  Tom Thornton taught me how to ranch. At the same time that he taught me that it wasn't my fault for believing James. Or leaving my little brother. He made me find a phone number for Ryland and call him. That started our semi annual calls. I love my brother and would do anything for him.

  Now Tom is recovering from having pneumonia, and all he wants is for me to go to Eddie's cookout. He says that I'm smothering him with my hovering. He has his wife and kids to take care of him.

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