
"Ahh so this is Y.S Inc." You stood in front of the big building. It was basically windows, you couldn't see through them though. You let out a long sigh before you walked towards the door, grabbing the handle getting ready to go inside. "The fuck, it's locked?"

"It says push."

You scanned the door and saw a big sign that read the word 'push' in big red letters. Your mouth went into the shape of an 'o'. Sucking your teeth, "I knew that." Opening the door, you held it for the other person to go through, not even paying attention to who it was.

"Ah, you must be my bodyguard."

Finally acknowledging the extra presence, your eyes widened as you realized it was Yelena. Clearing your throat you nodded. "Yea that's me." You locked eyes with her. Her aura was a little off to you, all you could do is think back to that day. There was a smile plastered on her face, almost like a sadistic one. As if she knew something you didn't. The hell is up with her face? Creepy...

"You're cuter than I expected," she spoke, finally walking in the building.

You followed after her not responding to her remark. The inside was busy, you could tell there were hardly any rest days for the employees. It was fast paced and kind of noisy. But it appeared that everyone got along well, not many issues occurred. "We'll be going up to my office," she mentioned.

"Right," you replied, still looking around. You walked beside her as the two of you walked towards the elevator. "If you don't mind me asking." She hummed indicating that she was listening. "How come you're being targeted? I was told that, I just don't understand why though."

"I dunno actually" she answered, "I don't even know who's after me." The both of you stepped on the elevator and she pressed the button to go on the top floor. You hummed in response. She sighed as she leaned on the wall, "I only just found out, I was kind of attacked last week."

"Damn- I mean sorry to hear that." What the hell Y/N.

"Nothing to be sorry about, I'm alive aren't I?" She chuckled. "I have you now, so there's nothing to worry about." You hummed in agreement. "Oh, and your name?"

"Y/N, I thought you would've known that." You crossed your arms, arching a brow.

"My apologies, I only remembered your face so I had to ask." She rubbed the back of her neck giving you a faint smile. "Ah, this is our floor." The doors to the elevator opened and the two of you walked out. A blonde haired blue eyed man came rushing towards Yelena. Calling her name constantly.

"Yelena, why are you late?! You have a lot of papers to deal with and-"

"Armin, I only missed thirty minutes. I still have time. Also, meet Y/N."

The blonde haired man stopped his rambling and brought his attention to you. He eagerly held out his hand, "Hello there." He pushed his glasses up on his nose, giving you a small smile. You didn't understand how everyone was just so formal. You grabbed his hand, shaking it as you greeted him back. "Thank you for protecting the president."

"My pleasure," you spoke. "Her protection is my top priority." You could feel Yelena's eyes on you burning the side of your face. "Is there something wrong?" You looked at her, a smirk on your face.

"Not at all," she replied, "let's go, my office is down here." She began to walk and you followed behind. She was tall and slim. Her platinum blonde hair mid length and messy. It suited her in some way. Deep in thought about her appearance you didn't realize she was calling your name, turning around to see if you were still there.

"What's wrong?" You ask, furrowing your brows.

"You didn't answer me," she laughed. "Deep in thought?"

"Yea, it's nothing though. What did you say?"

"Just hoping you have a good experience here." She patted your shoulder and there it was, the same sadistic smile from earlier. You were sure she's trying to tell you something but without actually saying it.

"Yea...I hope so too."


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AN//: Ok so I altered Yelena's look for the plot lol. So like platinum blonde hair, wolf cut, she also has piercings but that's not talked about yet.

And yes Armin has glasses maybe that's a reach but I think it's cute and goes with his persona so 😭 let me know if I have any typos cause sometimes I don't see them💀💀

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