“Until this moment, I know you have some sort of relationship with Isabella but if I don't know what it is I can't help you.”

“I didn't ask for your help but I want you to take the week off. Go do something until next week after my meeting with Miguel.” Liam got up and fished out for his keys.

Christy stuttered. “But--”

“It's an order, Christy. You don't but an order.”

Christy clamped her mouth shut and nodded softly.

Liam smiled softly and saluted to her. “Have a great week, Christy.”

“You too.” Christy wasn't even certain if any of them were going to have a good week.

Isabella was happy to meet Clarette Beaudoin, a wealthy French investor for the company. She looked very much interested in Stefan and he returned the favor. She looked untouchable with her black straight hair, her pixie face with large blue eyes and plump red lips. She was tall and slender. She didn't need to flaunt out for someone to know she was loaded.

Clarette talked to Isabella for a little while. She talked about France and her little estate up in the mountains while Stefan went to mingle with the men and Isabella had never been more thankful to him. Stefan knew how miserable she was going to be without Liam being there and so he thought to destract her with the talkative Clarette.

She looked over to him and when he turned to his face to her, she mouthed thank you. He winked softly at her and turned back to Malory.

Isabella realized that whether she liked it or not, these two men were always going to be there in her life. One was her guardian angel who always looked after her, made her comfortable and always knew what she wanted before she talked and the other was the dark lover who made her blood boil and her heartbeat accelerate, who made her think of things so wicked she sometimes blushed quietly just by the thought of them!

“By the way, when you get the time, you should come down to France and visit me.” Clarette's eyes beamed with excitement as she placed her hand on Isabella's.

Isabella felt a little at ease with the woman. For once the rich and spoiled was not trying to scratch her wrists or warn her to stay away from the boys. “I will definitely do that--”

“How about in two weeks' time?” The dark velvety voice came through and Isabella's heart leaped to her throat.

She turned and there he was, standing like he usually does with a drink in his hand. She didn't know just how much she had missed him until she saw him there! She wanted to run into his arms and just stay there for the night. “What?”

“We have a business trip to Italy this weekend and one to France next weekend.” Liam greeted Clarette with a small smile and a nod and turned to Isabella. “How about it?”

Isabella felt her mouth dry up. I weekend in Italy with him brought all sorts of fantasies in her head. “I didn't know we were going to Italy for the weekend.”

“It was only me in the beginning but when Miguel found out about the partnership, he personally asked that you joined him at his house in Italy for the weekend.” Liam assured her then didn't give her time to talk and turned to Clarette. “It's been a while, Clarette. I hope you are well.

“I'm as well as you see me.” Clarette smiled lightly with her French accent getting more and more pronounced by the moment. “Stefan tells me you had a business dinner. I hope it has gone good.”

Isabella watched as Liam's eyes darkened dangerously then he looked down at his drink and she knew something was awfully wrong.

“I always get a business deal done.” Liam stated just as Stefan returned to the crowd.

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