Chapter 11

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Toni yawned as she washed her hands in the sink after flushing the toilet. She was going straight to sleep when she got back down stairs. A small knock on the door caused her to jump slightly. She shut the water off. "Just a minute." She called as she moved to quickly dry her hands off. She didn't want to get yelled at if it was Betty.

She quickly opened the door and immediately paused at seeing Cheryl. She wasn't expecting this. They stared at each other for a few moments before Toni looked away and moved to step around her but Cheryl mirrored the step, blocking her path. "Let's talk." She said as she pushed Toni back gently with a hand on her stomach. Toni stepped back into the bathroom and her heart began to beat faster as Cheryl closed the door behind her.

"What left is there to talk about?" Toni asked as she shifted on her feet and began to fiddle with her fingers. She didn't know what she was nervous for. Maybe it was because this was the first time her and Cheryl had been alone together in weeks. Things usually happened when they were alone together and that really wasn't a good thing since she was with Jughead now.

"I really liked the song you picked." Cheryl said as she leaned back against the door and crossed her arms. "Was it for me?" Toni sighed as she gave her a pointed look that said obviously. "Okay then, answer the question. Why try?" she asked next. Toni frowned, feeling her jaw clench and her fists ball up. She moved forward and reached behind Cheryl for the door knob.

"You know why, Cheryl." She whispered and Cheryl caught her wrist yanking it away from the knob. Toni gasped at the tight grip. Cheryl's grip almost felt like it was burning her. It had been a long time since they touched and the simple grip on her wrist made her body come alive.

"I want to hear you say it."

"Why?" Toni hissed as she pulled on her arm but Cheryl's grip only tightened. "Why now when you didn't care before!?" Her voice rose and she shoved Cheryl in her shoulder with her free hand. Cheryl didn't move much seeing how she was already leaning against the door so Toni took a step back instead.

"Jesus, Toni, do you have any idea how hard you're making this!?" Cheryl snapped as she stepped away from the door and back into Toni's personal space. "Why can't you just let it go? I want to hear you say why you can't let it go! I mean you have Jughead now to fill all your needs and to treat you better than I can! Isn't that what you've always wanted!?" She asked, her brown eyes burning with her anger and her chest raising and falling quick. "If you'd let it go then it wouldn't be this hard!"

Toni took in a deep breath because she didn't want to get mad. She didn't like being angry but somehow Cheryl was always able to get her so angry within seconds. It was just another affect that Cheryl had on her. She could make Toni feel all kinds of different emotions all at once. "You look like you're the one having a hard time letting go." She whispered back.

She watched Cheryl's jaw clench and her eyes narrow to slits. Her breath hitched slightly because she was almost positive Cheryl was going to hit her. Her body tensed up ready for the impact and she flinched when Cheryl stepped forward but it wasn't her hand that connected with her face. It was her lips.

She whimpered loudly before she had even registered what was happening. Cheryl's tongue was in her mouth before she could even respond to the kiss but once her brain caught up she found her tongue in a heated battle with Cheryl's. Her fingers laced in thick red hair at the back of Cheryl's neck as she pulled her closer with a hand pressing into the small of her back. They were flushed against each other and panting through their noses as they kissed roughly.

Toni felt like her entire body was on fire and she didn't want anything more than for Cheryl to completely consume her mind, body and soul. She had missed Cheryl's mouth on her own so badly that it almost brought her to tears. She whimpered into Cheryl's mouth repeatedly instead as Cheryl shoved her up against the sink, never breaking the kiss but finally freeing her wrist so she could cup Toni by the back of her thighs and lift her up on the countertop.

They finally pulled apart for air and Cheryl dragged her lips down to Toni's neck, biting down roughly with a growl and Toni gasped as she pushed her hips forward. "When did that tongue get so fucking sharp?" Cheryl hissed as she bit at Toni's earlobe and then ran her tongue across it. Her nails dragging down Toni's thighs on either side of her hips.

"I missed you." Toni dragged her nails down Cheryl's covered back, resting her head back on the mirror as she kept her eyes closed tightly, simply enjoying the feeling of Cheryl pressed up against her and breathing into her neck. She missed every part of this and she didn't realize how much until now.

"I missed you too, TT." Cheryl whispered as she moved down Toni's body, kissing along her exposed collarbone and squeezing her breasts roughly over her shirt making Toni gasp softly and arch her back. Cheryl pushed her shirt up and left open mouthed kisses on her stomach before biting at her hips. "So fucking much." She growled as she yanked Toni's pants down her thighs. Toni watched with heavy lidded eyes as Cheryl pushed her legs apart farther and leaned down to press her nose against Toni's panty covered center. She inhaled the smell of her arousal and Toni bit her lip as she fought the urge to buck her hips.

"Cheryl." She whimpered as she reached down, cupping the back of Cheryl's head. She scratched lightly at her scalp encouraging her and Cheryl quickly moved to pull her panties down with her pants before moving her head back between her legs. Toni bit her lip as Cheryl ran her tongue up her folds, taking in the wetness that had already gathered there.

"Already so fucking wet." Toni gripped the countertop with her other hand and brought her knuckles up to her mouth to bite on as Cheryl took her time running her tongue through her before circling her clit. "Already so wet... for me." Cheryl was mumbling against her possessively and Toni tried taking in deep breaths, her hips twitching with every pass Cheryl took over her clit.

"Oh God." She whimpered as she tossed her head back, arching her back as she closed her eyes. She pulled Cheryl closer and she quickly gave her what she wanted, pushing her tongue in as deep as possible without warning. "Cheryl!" She cried and tried to stop her thighs from clenching around Cheryl's head. Cheryl moaned against her as she basically French kissed Toni's dripping center the best she could, every once in a while pulling out to suck lightly at her clit. "Cher... don't stop." She bit down on her knuckles once more.

She rocked her hips, grinding into Cheryl's face as she brought her leg up to Cheryl's back, pulling her closer as she used the hand on the back of Cheryl's head to push her deeper into her throbbing center. Cheryl did her best to pant through her nose as she tried to go in as deep as she could in Toni. She had missed this. She missed the way Toni tasted in her mouth, the sounds of her pleading whimpers and moans. She missed her TT.

"You feel so good. I'm so close, Cheryl. So close, don't stop." Toni moaned from above her, her toes curling and nails digging painfully into the back of Cheryl's head. Cheryl moved her hand up and shoved two fingers into Toni's mouth to quiet her. She was growing louder the closer she came to her orgasm and Cheryl couldn't have someone from downstairs hearing them. The feel of Toni sucking on her fingers almost made her own eyes roll back. She moved up swiftly and sucked hard on Toni's clit. That did it.

Toni bit down on Cheryl's fingers as her body tensed up. Her back arched and her thighs clenched around Cheryl's head as a pool of wetness poured from her clenching center. Cheryl quickly cleaned it up as Toni moaned from above her, purring like a truly pleased kitten. Cheryl moved back up her body once she was done while pulling her fingers from Toni's mouth. She replaced it with her own lips, slipping her tongue in to allow Toni to taste herself.

She slipped her hand in between them and cupped Toni's soaked sex before stroking lightly at her clit with her thumb. Toni moaned and pulled Cheryl closer as she kissed back harder, biting on Cheryl's lower lip roughly and causing the older girl to moan. She reached down and unzipped Cheryl's shorts before squeezing her hand into the tight fit to touch Cheryl.

Cheryl gasped against her mouth at the first touch, pulling her lips away from Toni's slightly. Their lips only brushed as they inhaled each other's exhales, their lust filled eyes locked as Toni moved her panties aside to touch at wet folds. "You're wet too." Toni whispered against her lips.

"Only you can get me this wet." Cheryl mumbled back and Toni knew she'd be blushing if her face wasn't already flushed red. She pushed three fingers into Cheryl without warning and Cheryl whimpered at the forced intrusion but quickly rocked her hips into Toni's fingers. "Shit, fuck me baby." She demanded as she quickly slipped two fingers into Toni who moaned before Cheryl was kissing her roughly once more.

They picked up a hard and fast rhythm quickly. Toni wrapped her legs around Cheryl's waist as they rocked and bucked into each other, Cheryl buried her face into Toni's neck as she growled and moaned her approval. Her free hand tangled in Toni's velvety hair as she fisted it, tucking on it with every thrust she took inside of Toni. Toni was gasping as she dug her nails down Cheryl's back so hard she was sure the older girl was bleeding.

"Harder, Toni, fuck me harder." Cheryl growled, her hips picking up speed and Toni could feel her walls clenching around her fingers already. She buried her own face into Cheryl's neck and hair, breathing her in as she did as she was told, straining her hand as she pumped harder and moved faster. She stroked her clit with her thumb few times and soon felt Cheryl tense up against her. "Fuck, I'm coming." She moaned against Toni's neck as she held her tight and Toni bit back her own moan as she felt Cheryl's walls clench at her fingers before wet heat poured into her hand.

"That was quick." She giggled.

"It's been awhile..." Cheryl panted before she began to pump her fingers into Toni once more, having stopped as she reached her own orgasm. Toni gasped and her hips immediately began to move once more, pushing down against Cheryl's fingers and meeting her for every thrust. She bit her lower lip hard as she fought against crying out, Cheryl's fingers inside of her felt better than anything she's ever felt before.

"Ugh... Cheryl." She groaned as Cheryl yanked on her hair roughly once more, using her own hips to power her thrust inside. Cheryl bit her jaw roughly and licked up her neck.

"Want me to fuck this pussy harder?" She growled and Toni nodded quickly, feeling her stomach tighten with her oncoming climax just like moments ago. She could tell it was going to be just as powerful as the first. "Then tell me..." Cheryl whispered and Toni's eyes snapped open to look at her. Cheryl was staring down at her, eyes dark, cheeks flushed and swollen lips down in a frown.

"Cheryl." She whimpered while shaking her head. She wasn't sure what Cheryl was looking for but she was pretty sure she had an idea and she wasn't ready for it. She didn't think Cheryl was ready to hear it and she wasn't ready to say it. Cheryl pushed in a third finger and yanked on Cat's hair hard causing her to cry out as she closed her eyes tightly. "Please, Cheryl. Pretty please..."She whimpered, her hips even lifting off the counter to get Cheryl deeper. Cheryl shook her head.

"That's not gonna work this time, baby. Just tell me... tell me and I'll let you come." Cheryl whispered as she stared down at Toni, watching her almost pained expression. She clenched her teeth at Toni's struggle but slowed her fingers. She moved slow, hard and deep and Toni whimpered as it kept her right on the edge. "Fucking say it, Toni!" Cheryl growled as she pulled hard on her hair and Toni moaned loudly.

"I-I-Cheryl..." Cheryl began to move her fingers a bit faster. Toni's eyebrows pulled together as she drew closer to her orgasm.

"Say it."

"God, Cheryl I love you!" Toni cried and Cheryl quickly bent to kiss her as she moved her fingers faster going back to her brutal pace. Toni cried out once more as she buried her face into Cheryl's neck, feeling a single tear roll down her cheek from the overflow of emotions she was feeling. She actually felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She held Cheryl close as she worked her over, rubbing her clit with her thumb and pumping knuckle deep inside of her.

"I fucking knew it." Cheryl was panting against her neck. "Say it again."

"I love you..." Toni panted as she kept her eyes closed tightly.

"And that's why, isn't it TT? Because you fucking love me. That's why you keep trying." Toni nodded her head quickly.

"Yes!" She whimpered before she felt her orgasm hit her. She bit Cheryl's neck as she moaned loudly, her body tensing up once more. Her toes curling as white hot pleasure shot through her body. Another tear rolled down her cheek and she found herself near sobbing, her walls clenching Cheryl's fingers and keeping her deep as she rode out the waves of pleasure.

She slowly came down a few moments later, Cheryl was no longer gripping her hair in a tight fist but rubbing the back of Toni's neck softly, gently running her nails across the sweaty skin. Her lips pressed against the skin were her shoulder met her neck and she simply rested against Toni. Toni sighed as she wrapped her arms around Cheryl's neck, holding her close as her body grew tired from her two orgasms.

She could stay like this forever, wrapped up in Cheryl's arms.

A few moments passed in silence before Toni suddenly remembered something. She was in a relationship with Jughead. "Oh God." She pushed Cheryl away from her roughly and winced as Cheryl's fingers slipped out of her. She jumped down from the countertop and quickly pulled her panties and pants back up. "This was a big mistake. It-It happened too fast..." She felt the tears burn in her eyes because as badly as she wanted Cheryl she never thought of herself as a cheater but that was exactly what she was now.

"Toni..." Cheryl reached for her but Toni quickly slapped her hand away.

"Don't!" she snapped as the tears streamed her cheeks. "I want you, Cheryl, but not at the cost of breaking Jughead's heart! I shouldn't have let this happen and once he finds out..." She cut herself off and Cheryl frowned as she watched Toni lower her head as she cried. "It'll break him just like how you were so afraid of doing to me..."

"TT, I'm sorry." Cheryl whispered as she stepped closer to Toni. "I'm so sorry."

"It's a little late for that. I shouldn't have used Jughead to make you jealous and I shouldn't have sang that stupid song but I just wanted you to know exactly how I felt." She wiped her tears away as she looked up at Cheryl. "But I never thought that we'd do this and if I had then I would have made sure Jughead and I weren't together so I couldn't hurt him like this. I'm so stupid because I really do care about him and I should have listened to Reggie and told him sooner but I was afraid of losing him and if I didn't have you or Jughead then I'd be alone and I don't like being alone, Cher..."

"I know." Cheryl nodded her head.

"I wanted you, Cheryl..." she cried as she brought her arms up to hold herself. "But you told me you didn't feel the same way. I wouldn't have slept with Jughead. I would have broken it off for you but now it's too late for all of that. You're too late." She wiped her eyes once more as she looked away from Cheryl who was swallowing the knot that had formed in her throat. "You're too late..." she repeated and Cheryl took in a deep breath to steady herself, she held herself a bit taller before speaking.

"Well, I believe if you continue to love me then I'll never be too late." She mumbled and Toni raised her head to look Cheryl in the eye. They stared at each other for a few moments, the room falling silent before there was a knock on the door that caused them both to jump. Cheryl quickly buttoned her pants and fixed her shirt as Toni wiped her face off tears and sniffled a few times before pulling the door open.

Toni's breath hitched as her eyes met with Jughead's sleep filled ones. He rubbed them as he looked between the two of them. "Veronica told me you guys were up here. I waited for you to come back down but its been a really long time. Is everything okay?" He asked and Toni couldn't stop the tears from filling her eyes once more.

"Jughead..." Her voice shook as she said his name and she watched as the concern covered his face. "I need to tell you something."

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