"good good.. when we reach home, they'll probably be asleep so i'm here to ask"

"go ahead"

"are you sure you're straight?"

"aren't I?"

"i'm still not convinced that you are"

y/n placed down her fork, "i guess you two should know as well. seems right"

"what do you mean by two?"

"Jihyo knows that I'm bisexual"

Nayeon's mouth went wide open. Y/N chuckled and helped her close her mouth.

"first of all, i knew it. second, i didn't know Jihyo knew. When did she know?"

"umm i think a few weeks back. we had a talk about someone I love"

"she's missing a loved one"

Nayeon the remembered that night, "ah, me and jeong saw you and jihyo were hugging there. jihyo told us that you were missing someone... can i know who she is?"

"Son Chaeyoung. She had the cutest smile. She was so tiny. She loved strawberries. She was everything that I needed and more but unfortunately, we couldn't be together in the end"

"what happen..."

"she umm committed suicide"

"oh, i'm sorry"

"it's okay."

"you still love her?"

"and i still miss her but she's gone now so i'll just have to keep moving on"

Nayeon wanted to change the topic because the atmosphere was getting darker.

"do you miss being a kid?"

Y/N chuckled, "who doesn't? the time when you are free without any worries, where you can just go to your parents for anything, where everything was just-"


"yeah, exactly... I always wanted to know, how did you girls became sisters?"

"where do you want me to start?"

"hmm.. if you don't mind, i wanna know from the very beginning, starting with you"

"okay" Nayeon ate her food and she continued to explain,

"life as a kid was just normal for me. loving parents, a fun childhood, an average family but I think my parents couldn't financially support me anymore when I was 10 or maybe they just didn't want me anymore? They just left me at the park and never came back... I was left there for 3 days, thank goodness, someone found me and brought me to the orphanage, there's where i met them"

"do you know where your parents are at now?"

Nayeon shake her head, "but it doesn't matter. I don't hold grudges against them, if they didn't want me, at least I have a family who truly wants me now. That's all that matters"

"it's amazing how positive you are, Nayeon. No wonder you attract everyone's attention no matter where you go"

Nayeon was blushing. She immediately drank her coke, "now about jeongyeon"

"let me guess, her family bakes?"

"how did you know that?"

"just a hunch"

Nayeon slowly nodded, "ah... anyways, Jeong's family runs a bakery business but one day, the building caught fire while Jeongyeon was at daycare. Her parents couldn't be safe, they were already burnt while trying to save the other workers. Jeongyeon didn't want to stay with her relatives so they just brought her to the orphanage"

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