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Y/N was already up getting ready the stuff needed for the picnic later. The other staff also helped her carry the stuffs to the van.

"you really be going out with them? Damn, I'm envious" Ace said. Ace is just a year younger than Y/N but he has been working for Mr Kim as long as he can remember and a close colleague with Y/N.

"you'll get your girl one day" Y/N said.

"I wonder how it's like being a girl" Ace is like a younger brother to Y/N. He's cute when he's clueless. Ace is not with the guards, he's more to housekeeping and cooking.

"it can be okay but unless you're ready to go through a week of hell every month" Y/N said as she placed the stuff into the van truck. Y/N turned to find a clueless Ace. She laughed.

"eh why?" Ace blushed. Ace likes Y/N, he likes being around her.

"you don't know what we go through every months do you?"

Ace loves it how Y/N knows what to say or knows what's his confuse about. It feels like she knows him so much even though they knew each other for a few months and he's already in love.

"well, we go through this menstrual cycle which is like hell because you'll get bad cramps that are way worse than stomachaches, there are times when you cant even get up because of how painful it is. Then are times where your mood swings just become a wrecking mess, you can be angry then happy then sad then angry again. Then you have cravings where you would just eat. Well, depends on the person, but it's mostly the same for every girl"

"you can cover your mouth now" Y/N said as she helped close Ace's mouth together, "you're so innocent"

"can I ask you something?"

"of course"

"are you bisexual?"

"why do you ask?"

"just curious. I mean you look like one so I just wanted to confirm"

Y/N rubbed his head, "you're so adorable. Yes I am. That's one thing I like about you. You're clueless but yet so observant. hehe" she then walked off.

"I see that smile Ace" one of the guards from across teased Ace. Ace just bowed to him and walked away and join back with Y/N.


Y/N was almost done making breakfast for the girls.

One of the maids came over, "excuse me, Ms"

Y/N smiled, "just call me Y/N"

"ah yes.. Y/N, I and the other maids just want to thank you for helping us with our jobs as well. We know it's not part of your job but we are still thankful, especially for the food you have been making for us"

"of course"

"are you making pancakes for the girls?"

"yes I am. They'll be down by 10.40" Y/N said as she flipped the pancake.

"how can you be so specific?"

"as their friend and as their bodyguard, it is important for me to know every detail of my clients or them. Why?"

"we were just shocked because none of us know that even though we have worked here longer. Only Mr J knows a lot about the girls" the maid said.

"I can very much tell" Y/N said as she focuses on the pancake.


The girls were already down, still yawning. They sat down at the dining table, smiling at Y/N.

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