For the dancing and the dreaming

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A/N Well...I guess this fic is cannon divergent now.Welp...That sucks,but part 6 is great.So,this is what I thought the timeline was like.
Part 1
Halloween event
Part 2
Part 3
Wish upon a star event
Part 4
Part 5
Fairy Gala event
Ghost marriage event
Part 6
Fireworks of Hot sands event
Part 7
Personal stories,the Beans day and Masterchef events can pretty much be put anywhere.So,I'm gonna be operating on that timeline.Anyway,onto the story.
Jamil and Kalim fell onto the snow covered ground,exhausted and panting.Jamil couldn't take it anymore.Vil was going to kill them with this.Every time they would mess up a move they would have to run around the dorm.He slowly got up as Kalim was still panting on the ground and Jamil pulled on his ceremony robe hood with a deep sigh."Look,this is going to kill us.We have to quit.".As soon as the sentence left the brunettes mouth Kalim jolted up,looking at the taller as if he had slapped him.

"Quit!?".Jamil had to be kidding,right?"But we promised!","No.You promised,I decided to go along with it.","But everyone else is counting on us!The principal is depending on us!"he yelled,getting up."We are not getting ourselves exhausted to death for something Crowley wants!Look,I really don't want to make it about me,but do I need to remind you that he gave you a position you didn't deserve just because he was given some money by your family?".The heir swallowed.He didn't need any reminding.He knew of that fact all too well."I know that,but just because he's a dick doesn't mean others should suffer because of it!Look you can quit if you want,but I'm not giving up."the heir said,crossing his arms.

Jamil groaned.Kalims stubbornness was annoying to go up against.But deep down he knew that there was no way to reason with him.Crowley being an asshole doesn't matter to him if them basically killing themselves is gonna result in the greater good.It was frustrating,but clearly Kalim wasn't going to start acting differently just because the young Viper wanted him to.He sighed,moving the snow out of the youngers hair.

"If I let you do this with Leona,you'll be doomed.I'm coming along."Jamil sighed,ruffling Kalims hair.The heir smiled."Thanks.","I'm just making sure you're not going to do something dumb."he said pulling the hood onto the heirs head.Kalim snorted,adjusting it."Anyway, if we're gonna do this we should get out of here before one of us gets hypothermia.","Look,we've been out here for a few hours and nothing...".Before Kalim could finish his sentence,he coughed very violently.He briefly looked at the ground,only to be met by white snow."You were saying?"Jamil said,crossing his arms.The heir looked up at him and shrugged,with an apologetic smile on his face.Well,so much for that."Well,I guess we'll have to continue tomorrow."he said putting his arms behind his head.Before he could even tell what's happening Kalims legs were swiped from under him and he was scooped up into Jamils arms.

A few silent moments passed before the heir spoke up."You know,I can walk by myself."he muttered."I know,but this seems like a good way to keep you warm till we get to your room."he explained.Kalim shifted towards his chest a little bit,wrapping his arms around Jamils neck.The Viper ignored the heat rising in his cheeks.

Kalim took a deep breath,trying to calm his all too fast heartbeat.It's not as if this hasn't happened before.Jamil and him had done this many times when they were younger .Mostly when Jamil would get him out of the house when he was grounded,per his request.But now as he became all too aware of Jamils arms holding him close to his chest,the others warmth making him feel comfortable and hearing the Vipers steady heartbeat it was impossible to deny that the situation wasn't the same.If they were younger Kalim could just laugh this off with no issue.But right now all he could do is just nuzzle into the others chest and ignore his embarrassment.

Jamil slowly placed him on the bed,Kalim stirring ever so slightly.It seemed that he was almost asleep anyway.The heir shifted and turned towards him as he closed the window.Jamil turned away from it,arms crossed."What?".Kalim was looking at him with a small sleepy smile and a look of utter...affection for lack of a better word."I don't know.It's just...This is nice."he muttered,playing with his earring.Jamil sighed and walked over to the younger,kneeling next to his bedside."Maybe the cold is making you delirious."he said putting his hand on the heirs forehead.He was warm,but no more than usual.His hand slipped to Kalims cheek.He took it away immediately as if he had been burned.Before Kalim could even say anything Jamil was already taking the blanket out of the closet.He covered  the younger with it,not saying a word and refusing to look his friend in the eyes.What the fuck possessed him to do...that?His face was burning right now.Basically steaming.Their gazes met and he immediately looked away.He quickly got off the floor and before he walked out,he turned towards the heir who looked as embarrassed as the young Viper felt.They stared at eachother for a few moments.Was Kalims stare always that intense?Jamil spoke,looking away"Well...Get better soon.","I'll try."Kalim said with a nervous chuckle.Jamil could've swore his heart skipped a beat at that.He nodded,swallowed and left.
The next day Kalim was feeling a bit better.He was sweating the fever out slowly but surely.The heir didn't think it was fast enough however.At this rate it'll go away the morning of the gala.So,since the blankets and the robe weren't doing anything,he decided to borrow one of Jamils hoodies.The Viper had a wide array of them and Kalim was sure he wouldn't mind.

The Viper and the heirWhere stories live. Discover now