Time is too quick

Start from the beginning

"Well, aren't you into dramatics," A voice said to her right, an angelic laugh following behind the statement. It was dark, after sunset to be exact. Raelle went with some of her team, Abigail and Tally also tagged along, to go and get some early dinner before heading their respective dorms and getting started on organizing their schedules—since they came out at 2 this afternoon.

"Shh, I'm tired," Raelle said, making Scylla giggle again.

Though she noticed that Porter wasn't here (thank god) and turned her head blinking her eyes at the brunette sitting in a chair wedged under her desk that they most likely set up while she was at practice.

"You ate dinner?" Scylla asked when she saw the blonde's eyes open.

"Mhm," Raelle nodded her head in acknowledgment and started to close her eyes again. She was comfortable, in an oversized t-shirt and some basketball shorts, she was ready for bed all-in-all.

"Don't fall asleep yet, you have to get ready for school."

"It's in two days," The blonde grumbled, shoved her face into her pillows.

"And yet you're probably going to be busy this entire school year since you're in sports, now c'mon!"

Internally rolling her eyes, Raelle grumbled in a mumble and started to sit up. I should've taken that two-hour nap.

They started figuring out the fastest ways to their classes on a map that was sent with their schedules. But during that, they found out that they share two classes, Biology 101 and Statistics.

Though they were on different career paths, they both seemed to have their minds set on trying to get together as much as possible between their schedules. Finding out when they can get lunches together, studying together, and everything in between.

By then, two days had passed and it was the first day of class. Raelle's alarm woke both of them up a bit too early, well, for Scylla. Raelle had another early morning practice in the weight room, which was connected to the gym, so she had a walk to go. Luckily for her, the first class she had was at noon, she had plenty of time for at least a two-hour nap.

"Shut it off, Raelle," Scylla grumbled. She had a six a.m. class to get to, so she should be thankful, but that wasn't until another hour. Raelle's practice started at five-thirty.

"Shh, go back to sleep, I'll wake up in ten," Raelle softly said, and in a split second her roommate was going back to sleep.

Hopping into the shower to wake her up, Raelle did her best to stay quiet and get the side of her hair braided like it usually was whenever they had practice.

Soon enough, she woke Scylla up and was walking around in basketball shorts and a sports bra, not even caring about the gay mess that the brunette was in.

Stop it, now; you have a boyfriend! Scylla reprimed herself and went to start breakfast. Something small since Raelle had to be leaving in five minutes.

She scrambled a couple of eggs and made some buttered toast. Placing them on a paper plate and wrapping it in tinfoil, Scylla placed the plate on the counter before going back and making herself some breakfast.

"Okay, I'm headed out," Raelle called, she was walking towards the door, her keys rustling with her movements.

"Wait! I made you breakfast, eat it on the way or save it, I don't care. But you need to eat something."

Unknown to her, the student-athletes usually have food given to them after practice in the team room after every practice; But Raelle wasn't complaining.

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