Hostile Takeover

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(Y/n) was in a room with Captain Obi, they were finalizing somethings to make (y/n) an official member of Company 8.

Obi: Just sign here, here, and... You're all set!

(Y/n): You know... As much as I find it amusing... Why are you balancing all that weight on a medicine ball?

[I think all that muscle replaced his brains...]

Obi: I train everyday to be in top shape to fight Infernals.

(Y/n): Weird way to train if you ask me.

Captain Obi was on one leg balancing himself while he tried to simultaneously balance several dumbbells and weights. There was a knock at the door and rest of Company 8 walked in.

Shinra: Captain. You wanted to see us?

(Y/n): It's the bummy Fire Soldier!

Shinra: I'm not a bum!

(Y/n): Then why don't you have shoes?

Shinra: My ability burns my shoes!

(Y/n): Sure... Whatever you say...

Obi: Before we start, I'd like all you to meet our newest member. (Y/n)!

Lieutenant Hinawa introduced the rest of the crew to him.

Maki: Captain, you wanted to speak to us.

Obi: Actually I wanted to speak to the both of you. After that brouhaha yesterday, I don't think I need to tell you that we can't trust Company 5. We're going to investigate, and it could mean war.

Shinra: Captain Obi... I think you've moved beyond body-building... And into something else resembling body-building.

Obi: Hinawa!

Hinawa: First and foremost, our job is to put the Infernals to rest and ensure public safety. However, we must keep in mind Company 8's secret mission-- To investigate the shadier Fire Force companies and come up with ways to fight them.

<So... Were basically doing our last job>


(Y/n): Except now we're not in the dark.

Arthur was too busy looking at bird outside.

Arthur: Confound you, gryphon, assaulting my castle yet again! One day, you will be rust on Excalibur's blade.

Shinra: You really are stupid aren't you?

Maki: There you go again. But please don't actually vanquish the adorable gryphon. They'll take you in for breaking wildlife protection laws.

Shinra: Look who's talking. You're pretty dangerous yourself Maki.

(Y/n): Yeah she is!

Iris: Don't worry Maki. 90% of any given day, you're cool, beautiful, and amazing. It's too bad about that other percent though.

Shinra: This company's full of weirdos. You're my only refuge Sister Iris.

Iris: Oh, stop... Shinra. There's dust in your hair.

Sister Iris got closer to him and he had his devilish smile plastered all over his face.

(Y/n): Whoa! *Chuckling* What are you doing!?

Arthur: You're the oddest of us all.

Hinawa pointed a gun at the group.

Hinawa: Hey people. This is an important meeting. Cut the chitchat.

Frostbite (Fire Force x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now