what do you like


Um. What?

other than me

presents wise

what types of things do you like people to get you



Sweaters. Really fuzzy ones. There is no point in having a sweater if it isn't fuzzy.

But just don't trouble yourself. You don't have to consider getting me anything.

shut up moons i can do whatever i want

but fuzzy sweaters look so dorky

how can you stand it?

You've known for a while how much of a dork I am.

And I know you like it. So don't complain.

fine youve got me there

but personally im more of a leather jacket person

Of course. Gotta prove to the entire world how punk you are.

you cant deny i am tho

Could, can, and do.

*dramatic sigh*

Oh no, you're one of those people.

*look of bafflement*

im sure i dont know what youre talking bout

I'm sure you do, so I will decide to try and ignore it.

aw how benevolent of you

Oh crap Dorcas just came into the common room (shockingly earlier than usual) with Marlene. She's wearing one of those shirts.

you mean those friend shirts that are just so amazingly embarrasing you dont even know what to do about it


This one just says FUCK YOU, I CAN DO WHAT I WANT in really big letters across her breasts.


on the contrary, james today was wearing one of those friend shirts that just make me secretly happy

One of those ones that shows they support you?


its black, with the pride flag in a heart shape and the word ally in black letters inside

on the back in white letters it says 'i am not lgbtqia+, but i support this crazy idea that people should have equal rights'

I love that kind of shirt.

Actually, come to think of it, Lily has the same one.


are you thinking what i am sherlock

No, we will not convince them to wear the shirts on the same day so that everyone thinks they are a couple.

no, i think we totally will



Fine, it's a decent idea.

Get back at Lils for all those times she embarrassed me about you.

ooooooo what has she said

That it sounds like a Wattpad romance, she calls you lover boy, she gives me all these little smirks whenever my phone gives me a notification.

my god her and james are secretly twins

I should hope not, otherwise we can't ship them together.

so.... you in

I suppose so.


prank plot 1.0 of wolfstar commences!

The fuck is wolfstar?

i may perhaps be listening to prongsie a little too much

its our ship name

Since remus means wolf and sirius is a star

For Pete's sake.

don't bring peter into this, hes innocent

I am going to converse with an actual intellectual.



Not Dorcas, that's for sure.

what happened?

She's a bit busy doing slightly more than snogging Marlene in that little back room of the commons.

dammit i owe prongs three dungbombs

You bet dungbombs with James over whether Dorcas and Marlene would get together?


Honestly why am I even surprised anymore.


you should know me better by now moonypie

I am going to the library to converse with Lily, as she is the only non-idiot I know who is not occupied.

I like that you aren't denying the fact that you are, in fact, one of my idiot friends.

What day should we tell them for the shirt plot?


prongs's wont be clean on monday, can we do wensday?


I'll work that into the conversation.


farewell fair damsel

Adios foolish knight in dented armor.


well actually i think id be the damsel

Too right. You're the drama queen here, not me.

So offense

You know it's true.

ugh fair


Wow an acronym

didnt know you knew about those

Piss off, please. I've got to go.



bye luv

Bye, Siri.

Two Boys in Love- Wolfstar Texting AUWhere stories live. Discover now