Friday, March 25

949 28 39

8:17 pm

What's something I don't know about you?

Like, um, when's your birthday?


could it be?

Moony texting me first?

as though hes willingly participating in a conversation!

Piss off.

I'm trying to be nice.

its so hot when you swear


youre flattered arent you

Absolutely not!

aww i knew youd eventualy fall for my charms

Hmph. All I wanted was a casual conversation between friends and you've turned it into an interrogation.

if you didnt want to be more than friends you shouldnt have kissed me

If you didn't want me to, I won't try again.

I wasnt complaining

That's extremely informative.

Sirius groaned at his phone in frustration. He couldn't exactly mention that thinking about Moony kissing him gave him butterflies, just like those cliche romance movies. And that remembering Remus's slender hands in his hair gave him a small burst of joy. And he wanted that again. (Preferably while kissing.)

Because he felt like the only other person he'd had such an instant connection with was Prongs, and that was different, anyway. He didn't want to date James.

you knew what you were signing up for

I didn't actually sign up.

You kinda barged onto my phone and into my life demanding answers for homework.

which you never gave

You actually thought I would?

well no, but i was hoping

it's called optimism

I'm not an idiot like you, I know what optimism is.


Pouty baby Padfoot.

well, since you asked, my birthday is november 3

Changing the subject when you can't find a good comeback?

i feel so attacked right now

like did we switch personalities

Hah you wish. So that I would flirt back.

fine. i liked it when you kissed me



aww really

Maybe a little.

Since you told me yours, my birthday is March 10th.

you mean it passed while we knew each other and you didn't tell me???

I prefer when people don't make a big deal. Usually my parents didn't.

well, like, mine either, but all the more reason to celebrate now!

This is where we are different.

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