Chapter 5 - Class Familiarity

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"Oi bastard. You've got a lot of nerve showing your face today!"

"Yeah! A guy like you could never be better than us!"

"To think you would insult us all on the first day, even an angel like Kushida-chan, how mean are you?!"

Their names were Ike, Miyamoto and Yamauchi, respectively. Sudou was also standing alongside them, although he wasn't saying anything, probably dragged along to look tough.

The rest of the class, bar Horikita and Kouenji, both of whom had already left, grew quiet watching our interaction.

"Do you expect me to not come to class?" Whilst they had the right to be upset, their arguments were rather flawed. Did they think I wouldn't show up out of shame, or was scared of anyone here from the repercussions? Rather foolish, although I suppose defective students couldn't reason any further than that.

"Maybe we should keep you from our class! Did ya think of that? Come on Sudou, let's get him!" They posed themselves in the most ridiculous fighting stances, probably taken straight out of some movie they watched. Luckily Sudou himself was hesitant and didn't move, probably considering this a bad idea. Good Sudou. Learn to think.

"If you try and fight me you just prove my point. Clearly you didn't read what I posted yesterday, because if you did you would know about the hidden cameras in the room." I sighed at this. "Please use your brains, there is no reason for me to have to beat you up."

"You just insulted us again didn't you!" Actually, it was twice Miyamoto, but I guess that's too hard for you to notice. "Who cares about shitty cameras!" Saying this he ran at me. Slowly. This was just sad. Should I let him hit me or stop him. Both options had their pros and cons, however hitting him would only serve to further anger the others. Stopping him would also reveal my strength, which I didn't want to do. So, then I decided.

"Yaaaauugghhh!" I stepped to the side just before he reached me, and he ran right past, straight into the wall, and then collapsed on the floor. This was apparently far enough for the rest of the class, as a few of them stood up and started scolding us for fighting. This continued for a couple of seconds before the false angel herself stood up.

"Please, everyone, don't fight. It's only the second day, we should be trying to get along not fighting." It seems most of my classmates took her word as gospel. That fake smile of hers was truly very effective. I had yet to figure her out, but I could tell she would be much more interesting than most of the other defectives here. "Ayanokouji-kun, what you said yesterday before leaving was very hurtful however, I would like to move past it. You are a classmate and it's important for everyone to get along."

"Kushida, wasn't it?" At her nod I continued. "I won't apologise for what I said yesterday. I said what I meant, and that's just how I am." The angry glares started to return at this, and some people opened their mouths to retort but I continued before they could. "All my life I've been home-schooled. I've never had a chance to meet many, or any, people my age, and I don't know how to interact properly. I will try my best to be a more considerate classmate from now on, so please, I'd like to move on from that, and try to be a bit more thoughtful." A few sad smiles went across the room, and most of the people angry at me before had calmed down at my story. That should throw them. Most of the girls, and even some of the boys it seemed, had bought my semi-apology. Thanks to Hirata's conversation with me, and Kushida giving me the chance to control the conversation, I had manipulated it in a direction where most humans would be instinctively forced to feel sympathetic to me. Even if they still were mad, their mind had no choice but to forgive me. It seems the only ones who weren't convinced were the shallowest of girls, all of whom seemed to flock to Hirata, and the three boys who confronted me earlier, their eyes still saying, 'we hate you'. Apparently, my confrontation with them wasn't over yet, but that was a problem I could easily deal with. The only other person who didn't buy it was, surprisingly, Kushida herself. Her smile was all forgiving, yet her eyes were full of mirth. She was smirking on the inside, I felt, scoffing at both the bullshit I spewed, and the fact that most of the class bought it.

I would have to change my earlier assumption of her: she was not potentially useful, but essential to have on your side. Her control of the class was undisputed, and her ability to act was undeniably impressive. Eventually, she would slip up, make a mistake, and I would be there to catch it, and make her mine. With the trust people placed in her already, in a few months her ability to cause chaos would be virtually unstoppable.

"If that's all, then I'll be going now." As I walked to the door Kushida called out to me again.

"Wait. Ayanokouji-kun can we exchange phone numbers. You missed it yesterday, but I'd like to be friends with everyone in the grade, so if you could please."

"Sure, why not. It'd be handy to have your number, you seem like a helpful person." There you go Kushida, my thanks for your help earlier, I will shove your pedestal up just a little bit more. All the more useful for me later on when you become my tool.

With this, I left the room, heading out to explore some more, and hopefully to find some ice cream.

Authors Notes

Absolutely detest this chapter but it needed to happen i feel. Later chapters won't work if he didn't do this, and personally i feel this getting out of the spotlight is more like Ayanokouji than what ive written so far but honestly im fucjing tired rn. Assignments being a real pain, so finish that up after this. Calculus is fun but not with group work. Enjoy!

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