Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Beep. Beep. Beep.

I slap my hand down on the top of my alarm and mentally slap myself for staying up so late last night.

I get up slowly and change into some baggy sweat pants with a cute pink shirt.

I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder, picking up my keys I call goodbye to Jane and head to class.

"Hey Pen." I say, yawning in the process.

"What's got you in the dumps?" She asks.


She throws her head back in laughter.

"Let's go." She says, grabbing my arm.

Before she grabs me, I run right into something hard.

Falling backwards and landing on my butt, I let out a groan in pain. My books are all over the ground and my butt is throbbing.

What the hell? We were walking on the right side.

I look up to give the person a glare, only to see a familiar face.

"Axel?" I whisper.


"Oh my god." Penny says shoving more ice cream into her face. "I still can't believe you knew that babe! How did you not screw him multiple times in high school?" Penny says, earning a slap from me.

"Because he is a complete jerk!"

"I thought you said he basically saved your butt." She points out.

I huff. "Yes, he did. But he also was going to rob my house."

"Fate is a beautiful thing. And so is he. So you should definitely talk to him."

I scoff. "He scares the shit out of me."

"Clearly. You ran away from him the second you made eye contact."

I shove more Ben and Jerry's ice cream into my mouth. "Shut up." I say, but the ice cream clouds my voice.

Penny laughs. "Okay, now be quiet. I can't miss this part. Bella finally becomes a vampire."

I'm guessing you know that we are watching Twilight.

After the extremely awkward situation with Axel, which I avoided by running away, we came to my house to watch some movies. Being Penny, she picked Twilight. She has a weird obsession with it. I've never really gotten into it, but the movies are good either way.

I sigh and lean back into the couch, pulling a blanket over me.

Why in the hell did I run away?

I should've gave him a big hug, right? Maybe not that, but something to show my appreciation. He was the one who made my life the way it was right now, so the least I could do is thank him.

But I still got a weird feeling around him. Not necessarily fear, but more like... jealousy. That's it. Jealousy.

I'm sure the boy never even got slapped. Not a day in his damn life was he ever afraid to go home. He probably had no loans he had to take out, because his parents are paying for him. He gets whatever he wants wherever he wants it.

I should be calling him a brat. Or a rich son of a bitch. But I can't help but wonder if he really wants all of it. He doesn't realize the life he has, and yet he probably doesn't even want it.

And that's what makes me jealous of him.

"Cadence!" Penny says, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Hmm?" I ask, not tearing my eyes from the screen.

"God, are you deaf or something? That was the third time I called your name." She exclaims.

"What did you want?"

"We should totally-" Just as she is about to finish her sentence the door opens.

"Hey girls!" Calls Jane.

Penny smiles falsely, obviously upset about something.

"Party" She mouths to me, making me laugh.

Jane hates it when we go out. Not like shopping or anything, just parties and stuff.

"Sorry Pen. But my mom said we were having a family meal for just the two of us." I whisper.

She nods and pauses the movie. "We are resuming this tomorrow."

She stands up and walks over to Jane giving her a hug. "Hi Jane! I haven't seen you in forever! But I got to go, okay? My mom is yelling at me to get home." She says, to enthusiastically, which Jane doesn't pick up.

"That's okay. We will see you some other time."

Penny smile at her, then waves at me, when Jane isn't looking she puts her two hands together to make a heart, then winks mouthing "Axel".

I stick my tongue out, but she is already gone.

"Family dinner!" Jane calls excitedly. Making me groan.


"Honey, I don't want to sound slutty, but I think you should talk to him." Jane says honestly, making my choke on the water I was drinking.

"Oh my god!" I exclaim once I get my coughing under control. "Are you serious?!"

"Yes! The boy is handsome!" She defends while putting her hands up.

"So why haven't you thought like that about Kyle?" I say. "Not that I like Kyle. Because trust me, we are just friends."


I raise an eyebrow, motioning for her to keep talking.

"He just- I don't think he's good for you." Jane says while picking at her food.

"I've heard that more than once." I mutter.

"Look, I know you like Kyle as a friend, but I don't trust him around you."

I sigh. "Jane, I can promise you that nothing will... happen."

Jane smiles at me before getting up and bringing her dishes to the table. "I know honey, I said I didn't trust him. But I do trust you."

I also grab my stuff and set it in the sink. "Need help with the dishes?"

"No, that's okay. I can see you're tired. Why don't you go get some rest?"

I nod and head up the stairs, thinking about what Jane said.

It wouldn't be that bad if I just talked to him, right? It's not like he is going to completely ignore me. Well hopefully not anyway. Maybe I should just tell him why I ran away. But even I don't have an answer for that.

I stuff those thoughts into the back of my mind and focus on finding some pajamas. Once I find some, I make my way to the bathroom and take a nice warm shower, scrubbing the days grease and grime off.

I turn off the water and dry off, putting on my PJ's.

I throw my dirty clothes in the laundry and go back to my room, plopping down on my bed.

I don't even have time to think about Axel before I'm completely out.


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