I try calling her, hoping she would answer, but she doesn't. Maybe she's back at her parents now that she isn't pregnant. Maybe they're all fine and dandy now, even though they treated her like complete dogshit by disowning her and kicking her out. I could never forgive my parents if they did that to me. Then again, my parents are pretty hypocritical and judgmental and set in their ways, but I know for a fact they would never do me like that.

When I call her parents, I ask if she's there, and to my not so much surprise, she is there. I grip the phone tighter in my hand and thank them before hanging up. I knew it. I could literally strangle her right now! How dare she? I know she was going through a hard time, that it wasn't easy being pregnant and feeling like she had nobody. But she did. She had Blake and I, more so Blake than me, but she had all the support she needed. My heart is breaking for Blake right now. I can't believe this. Not once did I think she would ever stoop this low.

Guess you really don't know a person.

"Would you like to talk to her?" her mom asks me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"No, I'll stop by later. Thanks."

"Not a problem, dear." Her mom hangs up, and I can't believe the nerve of her, either. Man, I thought my parents were bad. Emily's are faker than my nails.

Deciding it will be best to leave Blake to himself – he'll call me if he needs me – I take it as my cue to head home. If I go to see Emily now, I might kill her and her parents. So instead I go home. I have work tonight, anyway, and I stay up because I'm so worked up, I'll be cranky at the work. I'll deal with Emily another day.


"What's going on in that head of yours?" Luis asks me. "You good, mami?"

I blink, snapping my head in his direction. My eyes soften when I see the worry in his eyes. For the entire shift, my mind has been all over the place, I keep staring off into space, and I'm forgetting to turn in a lot of orders and fail to keep up with my tables. It's definitely reflecting on my tips. But to be honest, I don't even care. I can't help but worry nonstop about Blake and keep thinking about ways how I'm going to kill Emily. Blake is a nice guy and definitely doesn't deserve any of this.

"Just a lot going on," I admit, pouring a cup of coffee. Table five has been waiting five minutes for me to bring them a cup, and I'm surprised they haven't left yet. "I'll be right back."

I take the coffee to the older gentleman. He seems annoyed, pushing his glasses up his nose. I don't blame him, though. Honestly I forgot about him. "So sorry about your wait dear. I had to brew a fresh pot," I lie, and it comes out like I'm actually telling the truth. His appearance softens and he nods.

"It's all right. Thank you for not bringing me old coffee. I'll take three pancakes and a side of bacon, please."

I nod, making sure I don't forget to turn it in. When it's done a couple moments later, I drop the food off and head to the back. I let Isabella and Luis know I'm taking a break, and Isabella agrees to watch over my station. Once I walk out the backdoor, making sure to leave it propped open, I pull my phone out to check for any text messages or missed calls. I haven't checked it in the past two others.


I sigh, dialing Blake's phone. No answer. I call Emily next, and once again, no answer. Finally, I end up calling Liam. He answers after the first ring. "Callie, baby. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just getting worried."

"About what exactly?"

I haven't talked to him since he dropped me off earlier. I mean, I did text him before coming into work and he responded, but other than that, nothing. Taking a deep breath, I tell him about today's events, knowing he is the one person I can trust with me. I mean, I can trust Luis and Isabella, too, but I'm more comfortable confiding in Liam, especially after meeting his parents today and sharing myself with him.

He listens with any interruptions. Once I'm done, he stays silent. Which I did expect from him because it is a lot to take in. Plus he doesn't really know Blake and Emily, having only met Emily once and I don't even think he met Blake yet. So he can't really make any judgements on them. Finally, after a lingering silence, he sighs.

"I wish I knew what to say, baby."

"It's okay. I don't expect you to say anything. I just needed to get it off my chest and you're a good listener. Thank you. I'm just worried and probably overthinking it, but if Emily really did do this on purpose, I don't think I can look at her the same. Or if I even want to." I sigh. "And I know Blake and I are ex's, but I still feel like I should be there for him. He may have not admitted it or showed it, but I knew he was excited about the baby. He must be devastated."

"And he has every right to be. Just give him some space. He'll come around." I sigh. "Try to not think about it too much, baby. Go back to work."

"I love you."

"And I love you."

We hang up, and I try to get back to work.

The remainder of the night is slow, and all side work is done. Since Isabelle left early last time, I decide to finish my tickets and end up leaving at five. That gives her an hour by herself, and hopefully she makes some money. I tell them bye, grabbing my bag and hurrying out the door. Instead of going home, I go to Liam's, thankful I remember how to get there.

Liam is asleep, but I remember him mentioning to me earlier today where the spare key is. I grab it and unlock the door, making sure to put it back in its spot, and head upstairs to his bedroom. I quietly open the door and step inside, closing it behind me, and walk over to the bed. A smile tugs on my lips as he sleeps there peacefully, his chest rising up and down slowly as he breathes, bottom lip poking out. Reaching forward, I move some hair out of his forehead and kiss his forehead, before putting my purse down and slipping out of my work uniform. I fold them neatly and put them on the chair before climbing in with Liam.

He mumbles something under his breath but doesn't wake up. With my back pressed against his chest, he drapes an arm around my waist and nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck. "Hey there," he whispers, but I know he's still asleep by the faint snore coming from his nose.

I graze my fingers up and down his arm, and he presses closer to me. I can feel his erection on my ass, and I stifle a laugh behind my hand. Leave for him to get turned on in the middle of his sleep. I sigh in contentment, feeling at ease and content in his arms, and I can't help but think about how much I really love this man, and that I'm glad that I met him. It wasn't under the best of circumstances, but I don't regret it one bit. Even if I did hate him at first with his big ass head.

A smile creeps up on my face. Yes, he can definitely be an ass, but he's my ass. And I wouldn't change him out for anybody else.

Wriggling closer to him, I bring his hand to my lips and kiss it. Liam kisses the back of my head, breathing in softly. "I love you, Callie. Forever and always."

"And I love you." Those are the last words spoken before I drift off into a peaceful slumber.

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