"Uhhh..." I dragged out. She seemed genuinely interested and I didn't want to say no. This was me being guarded again. Bondy did say I worry too much. "Sure. Why not?" I finally replied.

You could tell by my tone that I wasn't the least bit excited about it but either she didn't notice or she was being polite. The waitress stopped by to take our order and walked away, leaving the two of us to make conversation.

"Have you heard from Dan?" she asked me.

"No, I haven't. I'm the worst at reaching out. Have you?" I questioned.

"I texted him a few days ago but he said he's still training. He said he missed everyone except for you." She smiled slightly, finding Dan and I's relationship humorous.

"Well tell him I don't miss him either. Good riddance." Liv tilted her head back, laughing. She has a cute laugh and I hope to hear more of it.

"So are you from England?"

"I'm actually from Wales but I've lived in Widnes for a couple of years."

Normally I tire of people asking where I'm from, but with Liv, I didn't mind. I wanted her to keep asking because if she's curious, that means she's interested. My accent, which seems to intrigue everyone in America, was going to come in handy.

"How long have you been in Seattle?" she continued.

"Been here since 2010. Went to uni for computer science and stayed here ever since. What about you?" I asked back.

"I'm actually from the Midwest but I moved here when I was 18. Been here ever since just like you."

Now I was curious how old she was but thought it was too soon to ask. I wondered if we would've known each other. Our food arrived, prompting us to stop and we tucked in. In between bites, I was sneaking glances at her. People are usually shy when eating but she felt at ease which was good. I already find her beautiful and wouldn't want her to be worried about her figure. It was silent for so long that I decided to start asking her what I was most curious about.

"Where do you work and what do you do, if you don't mind me asking?" I questioned. Unfortunately, I caught her still chewing her food so she put her index finger up, telling me to wait. "I'm sorry! You can chew your food," I apologized, feeling guilty. Liv chewed quickly before speaking.

"It's alright, don't worry about it. I work for Moss Adams as an accountant. I keep and interpret financial records for clients. I could go on but I don't want to bore you with details." She wasn't boring me at all.

"Where did you go to school?" I went on.

"I went to the University of Washington."

"You too?"

"What do you mean by that?" I cleared my throat.

"I was a student at the University of Washington as well. When did you graduate?"

"2016. And you?"


We had two years that overlapped. It was strange to think we could've come across each other on campus, in the library, or in passing. But the university is so large, I highly doubt it. My last two years of undergrad was practically spent in the Computer Science and Engineering building whereas she would've been elsewhere. With this newfound information, I found out she was a few years younger than me, though she could be older and went to school later in life, both of which were plausible. Now how was I supposed to get her second name?

My eyes wandered to her phone and purse. The phone was a no-go as I don't know her passcode to get in. Her purse would contain her driver's license but I can't go snooping around while she's sat at the table. My last resort was asking Dan but he's already onto me and will forever hold that against me. I felt like it was too early to ask if she's on social media. Hopefully knowing where she worked and where she studied was enough to find her. Liv changed the subject by asking what my hobbies were, turning the attention away from her.

Nameless // Van McCannWhere stories live. Discover now