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Hi! My name is yang jungwon i have two ugly friends they are choi aera and kim sunoo

"Hey won"aera said while running and waving at me

"Oh hey what's up?"i said waving back

"Have you done your homework at science?"she said

"Homework?"i thought"what homework?"i said

"Yesterdays homework"aera said

"Oh-i forgot about it"i said oh wow another lucky day

We went to the library to do our homework when one of our friends sunoo camed

"Hey guys"sunoo hyung said

"Sunoo hyung did you dd our homework yesterday?"I asked

"Yeah why?let me guess you both didn't did your homeworks?"sunoo said

"hehehe you're right we didn't can we copy yours pls"i said showing my puppy eye

"Pls sunoo I'll treat you lunch later"aera said

"Okay fine don't forget my lunch aera"sunoo said

"Yay"i said kim sunoo a lifesaver

"Yeah yeah sure"aera said

Time skip


"I heard that their is a new student coming in our class today"sunoo talked to us

"Yeah I heard it too"aera said

"How about you won?"they asked me

"Not interested"i said while copying sunoo hyung's homework

"I am done with homework finally thanks again sunoo-ah"aera said

"My lunch okay"sunoo said

"Yeah yeah I'm not gonna forget about it"she said

"Are you almost done won"sunoo asked me

"I am done sunoo hyung"i said

We were talking and laughing together when the teacher came

"Good morning class"mr.choi said

"Good morning mr.choi"the students said

"Sorry sir i am late"a boy said

Accidentally falling inlove with my Best friend's Boyfriend | CompleteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant